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Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?

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It depends on the surprises - if it's a harmless prank, surprise party or something along those lines, then I'll tolerate it. Anything else and I'd go into self-defense mod because I was raised in a violent community and surprises were usually things that endangered your life so that has always stuck with me. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?

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Depends on how the surprise comes about if it’s just like a good thing out of no where like a random gift or something then yes, I love it. But surprises with a lead up I don’t like. Then again I do not know at times since mostly I know before it happens

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8 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

I'm paranoid and tend to react violently to a surprise. I hate them. Nothing makes me more suspicious than an unsolicited compliment.

A compliment isn't much but when people who I don't know or have anything to do with start invading my personal space for no reason at all, then I'll definitely react.

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