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I don't even know what to say. I knew there were lunatics out there that were spreading bullshit theories and fake "facts" to support their agenda, but I never thought I would encounter one like this. I took a screenshot of his rant, and saved every image he posted to support it.













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We are living in a very dark age, and those from the dark ages would be laughing at the world today. Teachers are getting beat up by parents for wearing masks. These people belong in the dark ages. They have become far right extremists and religious/cult extremists. Misinformation campaigns is being pushed from Russia and there is evidence of it. But they aren't  the only ones to blame because it takes a willingness to deep throat garbage that so many are lined up with their mouths agape. Why their own aren't dropping dead like flies from the pandemic is beyond me because it looks like that's what they want. Some probably have gotten vaccinated and hide it to push for this chaos. A doctor in Missouri says some people go in to get vaccinated in disguise or want to be anonymous because they are afraid what their peers would say. I personally don't like vaccines and in my college years I had to get legally exempt from any vaccinations while attending the university who had mandatory vaccinations in their policy. I got all my shots I was supposed to get as a baby/child. But we are in a pandemic and even I had to put away personal beliefs for the greater good in fighting this thing. These extremists are hostile so learn how to defend yourselves and your children. Their purpose is chaos. They are inside the government and using it to create chaos. I encourage you to get your children doing homeschool. We are fighting two pandemics simultaneously, one from a virus, and the other from a dangerous mental health pandemic. Protect yourselves from both. 

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