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Would you rather babysit a human child or a dog?

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A dog or any other creature over a kid, hands down. Animals are pretty self-explanatory whereas a parent may want a different thing for their kid. i.e. favorite toy, snack, etc. Animals will love you no matter what; kids can have temper tantrums over the smallest of things.

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12 hours ago, ZandraJoi said:

A dog or any other creature over a kid, hands down. Animals are pretty self-explanatory whereas a parent may want a different thing for their kid. i.e. favorite toy, snack, etc. Animals will love you no matter what; kids can have temper tantrums over the smallest of things.

So true - babysitting kids is an extremely taxing endeavor. I normally make myself busy so nobody can ask me to babysit any children. 

11 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Dog. No hesitation. I'll petsit almost any animal you have. But I'm not taking care of your damn kid.

I was going to say any animal you have, but then the sight of a boa eating one of my dogs came into my head. That's why I added the word "almost" into the thought.

I'll stick to normally domesticated animals like dogs, cats, horses etc. not the exotic ones.

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