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Do you like to bowl?

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While I haven’t bowled in a very long time, I do like it. However, I am not good at it lol I think back to when we had to take it in P.E. class & was graded. I always thought that was unfair. Not all of us are good at sports. Plus we had to learn how to keep score. I had my brother-in-law at the time help explain it better as our teacher pretty much just put us in there & expected us to ‘just know’.

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You were asked to participate in bowling for P.E. That's awesome! I remember playing soccer and doing a 18 minute mile run. lol I never minded participating in P.E. but I wasn't very good or was ever top pick whenever teams were selected because I've always been one of the smallest/slowest runners. haha

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On 9/26/2021 at 5:46 PM, Sharon said:

You were asked to participate in bowling for P.E. That's awesome! I remember playing soccer and doing a 18 minute mile run. lol I never minded participating in P.E. but I wasn't very good or was ever top pick whenever teams were selected because I've always been one of the smallest/slowest runners. haha

Haha, sports is simply not for you. Everyone must not be a sports lover. I love playing soccer, racing but I never enjoyed bowling during my high school days. 

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It's O.K., but I find miniature golf and pool (billiards) way more interesting.  Anyway, I haven't been in a decade or more.  I don't really see the appeal.  However, I could get into it to make money, lol.

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