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How do you like to discover lore in a game?

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I think audio logs are good so you can listen in to turmoil that may have occurred, which to me is better than just mentioning something. I'm not too big on reading lore because, well, I didn't put in a game to read; I have books for that. You can get some pretty detailed things in reading though, so it is necessary. I prefer cut scenes. When you come across an artifact or tomb or cave of a monster and a cut scene kicks in to summarize it in a camp fire story sort of way. Or a character describing something, and the scene around him gets dark and eery to pull you in. Or maybe you find something and touch it and get a visual. Or even if some voice appears out of nowhere, a narrative describing a being you are about to encounter. That is what games need more of. They have the ability, the freedom, creativity, so why don't we see more of that. Bring it! Don't hold back. You know that quest where you run around and do something stupid? Well, erase it and add a good cut scene. 

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