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For Your Birthday, Would You Rather Receive Cash Or Gifts?

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12 hours ago, Empire said:

I do not mind both 🙂 then again seems that when that day comes, I get nothing 😛 

Mostly its cash, so that money cango towards things that I want or saving up to, or maybe helps paying off bills

As I said, cash is more versatile as a gift.

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We don't do gifts for birthdays, holidays, but to answer, I'd say Cash. Unless it’s a well-thought out handmade gift. It never made sense to me. I buy you something for your birthday, you buy me something. Let's just keep the money & buy what we REALLY wanted! & focus on the time with each other instead.

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9 hours ago, ZandraJoi said:

We don't do gifts for birthdays, holidays, but to answer, I'd say Cash. Unless it’s a well-thought out handmade gift. It never made sense to me. I buy you something for your birthday, you buy me something. Let's just keep the money & buy what we REALLY wanted! & focus on the time with each other instead.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I like the idea of a handmade gift because that shows a lot of effort.

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