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Close Combat 3 Cross Of Iron

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Is anyone around these parts of the internet playing this game still? (shameless plug incoming later, be warned)

I've personally played all the Close Combat games, and I've loved them since the 90s, when I first picked up the CC2 and CC3 demos. Out of all the games in the series, which adds up to quite a few over the decades, the way they did things with the campaign in CC3 makes it my absolute favourite of them.

If anyone is still playing this, do you fancy a multiplayer game? I'm taking on challengers, and if we have some fun games, and you're willing, I can make an After Action Report for it on youtube. Any skill-level would be welcome, but know that I have sunk thousands of hours into these games, so I'm quite experienced with them. Been playing them online back in the good old Gamespy Arcade days, if anyone remember those times!

Now to the shameless plugging I mentioned earlier. I have two playlists out on youtube of the game, where I play through with both factions on the hardest difficulty.

If you haven't played the game before, but your interest has been peeked, these videos will give you a good idea/explanation of what's up!

German Playthrough

Russian playthrough

Well, that's all she wrote for now! I think this post is following the rules, at least as far as I can gather? If not, I assume appropriate punishment will be coming my way. Either way, I hope some of you actually will challenge me to a duel! And if not, at least possibly get some enjoyment out of the videos.

Have a good one!

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I suppose there could be several reasons for that 😛 There are quite a few games in the series, so maybe you've heard of another one? Also some of the games have the same names as war movies, for instance the second iteration of the game - "A Bridge Too Far", which is also the name of an old WW2 movie, starring Sean Connery - may his legendary soul rest in peace!

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