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Reality vs Adventure

New religion--Biochemical-physicsanity

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I'm starting a new religion called Biochemical-physicsanity because it is the one true religion unspoken since the dawn of man. Now that man understands the science of biochemistry and physics, we have something true and proven to worship. Gods are elements making up of every physical matter we know of. Worship them. They are within you. They make everything possible in a true reality sense. Physics such as gravity allows for us to exist. Now pray to the physics God. Biochemistry is all life including bacteria. We are composed of multicellular biochemical Gods. The physics of elements with electrons and protons working with the composition of molecules enables all of life. Our biochemical Gods form castles in Heaven called cells. The DNA sequences and gravity Gods enables all of us to move, communicate, and in some instances, think. Worship in the temple of nature, where you can see God's work proven for all to see and believe, instead of only believing. Faith is in the processes of physics and biochemistry that will never be broken. 

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