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How long does it take you to realize some enemies are undefeatable?

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Depends on the game and enemy. I think for the most part, if an enemy takes too long to kill, it could also be a scripted segment, like you're meant to lose. There are a lot of boss battles in games, where you aren't meant to win the battle, instead you're supposed to lose to further the story. There have been times where I would fight a boss like that, and then when I lose I realize it was scripted. 

But, there are also scripted fights you can beat. I think some in Dark Souls are like that, especially with the first boss. Because when you face him right away, it's nearly impossible to kill him, but games have, or so I've heard. 

Oh, same with that Sekiro game, because I think you can face off with the main boss, and win. Of course he has like three stages, so it's tough, but I heard that you could beat him the first time, it just takes skill. 

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10 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

Sometimes a game will have a fight that is not meant to be won. When this happens, how quickly do you tend to figure it out? Sometimes I intuit it, but often, I will try over and over and over before realizing I am supposed to flee, not fight.

When you have actually given everything that you know to be effective in eliminating the enemy and it doesn't seem to be working then it is time to take a flee and run away.

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