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Where do you take your anger out for a hard game?

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Sometimes when we play a really tough game, we get angry. Some of us toss the controller down, some of us handle it easier than others, but sometimes we lash out, maybe hit ourselves, or punch a wall, break a keyboard or controller, etc. 

In the past I found that I would hit my leg or slap myself if the game was proving to be too difficult for me. I know that's very dumb of me, but it's something I did for years now. I'd get frustrated and I'd often hit my leg. Do you ever do something like that? Instead of tossing the controller across the room, I just hurt myself haha. 

But seriously, where do you take your anger out when dealing with a tough game? 

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  On 12/22/2021 at 11:20 PM, m76 said:

I used to break keyboards, but I managed to channel my anger and I'm glad to say that my current keyboard has to be replaced because it is getting worn out, rather than because of any physicial damage.


I have done that once with my console controller and later realized how stupid that was. Who bought another controller? I did.. Isn't that silly? 🙄 

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If I get frustrated I just put in a different game for the evening. If you get mad that means the game fates aren't with you for some reason. Play again the next day and I bet it's different. If the fates aren't with you, don't force it and just play something else. If I'm stuck in a mission and keep having to replay over and over, time to stop. I actually like doing that and pick up where I left off. Sometimes I even notice different things I missed before that can increase immersion. Could even be something someone says that didn't click with me before and come to it later and wonder how I missed it. 

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  On 5/5/2022 at 10:55 AM, Empire said:

Deep breathing in through nose, out through mouth and a bit of a walk around is the best way I’ve found to relieve anger without lashing out. Works for everything, not just gaming.


I learnt to handle my anger and frustration in that manner as I was getting older. I think that youthful exuberance was what made it difficult for me initially to keep a calm mind. 

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When I was younger I would get violent. One time a game pissed me off so much that I threw it out the window, grabbed my shotgun, and put several shells into it in the yard. Other times I would just grab a baseball bat or throw is across the room and stomp on it. I've even snapped a few controllers in half.

These days I just shut the game off and either play a different game, usually one that I have mastered, or do something else entirely. I've matured a lot since my younger days, but I still have an explosive and violent temper. @Rain Dew has seen my temper a few times. She's seen me go into a black out rage. I've told her that when that type of thing happens, that she should grab a gun and hide. And that If I come at her while I'm blacked out, that I want her to open fire and shoot me. If needs be, shoot to kill. As long as she is safe, that's all that matters to me.

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  On 5/5/2022 at 11:49 AM, NightmareFarm said:

I sometimes rage and shout like i'm low tier god when im fighting an annoying enemy or something. I rage a lot more on online games(namely fighters) than single player though. 




I used to see that in a lot of movies that I watch, just like Layla did in Moon Knight, when the frustration build up too much, that long shout out helps a little bit. 

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  On 5/6/2022 at 7:28 AM, Boblee said:

I used to see that in a lot of movies that I watch, just like Layla did in Moon Knight, when the frustration build up too much, that long shout out helps a little bit. 


Yeah, people trash on guys like low tier god and dsp who rage shout to vent but verbally venting is really the most healthy and prodcutive way to let off steam when you lose in video games. It's the better alternative to breaking controller, breaking your TV/console and smashing holes in walls. No damage done at the end of the day. 

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  On 5/6/2022 at 10:36 AM, NightmareFarm said:

Yeah, people trash on guys like low tier god and dsp who rage shout to vent but verbally venting is really the most healthy and prodcutive way to let off steam when you lose in video games. It's the better alternative to breaking controller, breaking your TV/console and smashing holes in walls. No damage done at the end of the day. 


There is no argument in that at all. It's just a scream out loud, otherwise only a noise pollution at its worst and far more better compared to damaging a controller or even breaking one's TV. 

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Yeah but when you are a violent person, just yelling and cussing doesn't help. That's why over the years I have probably owned at least 30 SNES consoles. Not to mention dozens of copies of some of my games. NES and N64 are no different. I have gone through dozens of them as well. And I felt satisfied afterwards. Sure I had to buy another one to replace the one that I destroyed, but I felt better after destroying the fucking thing. I'm not saying anyone should work out their rage the way I do. A shotgun and a game cartridge does make me feel better, but it's not the same way for everyone. A lot of you will say I'm going too far. And rightly so. But like I said, I'm an extremely violent person. I have an explosive temper that has no fuse to speak of. Because of those two reasons, I'm actually quite dangerous to be around. I'm not trying to brag about that, as it's not something to brag about. It's just how I'm wired, and one of the main reasons for several of the medications I'm on.

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