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Bad Ben - Video game on Ichi.io

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I know no one here will know of this movie series, but wanted to share a game based off of it. It's nothing too special, but I felt it was a pretty unique gaming experience when it's this small free game. It doesn't look like much, but you can play it. It starts off as a video, but you can control the character. 

You can play the game here: https://corpsepile.itch.io/bad-ben

In it, you control a character who walks around a haunted house. It's based off of a movie series called Bad Ben. Don't expect much from the movies, because they're all pretty much re-treads of the original, and are all made and starring the same dude. But honestly, they're funny in a so good it's bad way. But, this is not necessarily about his movies, but about a fan made video game that was made for. 

And honestly, the game as annoying as it is to control, is kinda fun for what it is. I was genuinely surprised by it. On top of that, the guy from the movies does the voice over work. 

I'd honestly take a full length game. 

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23 minutes ago, skyfire said:

Looks like a good attempt especially with engine like Unity. 

I was genuinely surprised because the movies weren't that great. I mean they're fun because of how dumb they are. But I think that's the point. Anyway, I just liked the twists in the game. The controls suck, but the way the game plays out, is kinda fun. Idk. Maybe it's because I like the dumb movies. Idk. 

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