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Sleeping Dogs needs a sequel

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I don't understand why this game didn't get a sequel yet. It got an HD remaster, and who knows if it'll get another remaster. I could do with that, but I would prefer they make a sequel instead. I loved the fighting and action, the driving could use some work, but it wasn't awful. Just give me a new game in the series please. 

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I'm pretty impressed with the remastered version on ps4. You are right, the fighting is pretty good. The scenery of the city of Hong Kong is pretty intriguing to me. It's got a reaching story and awesome soundtrack for the radio that I need to look up. People are just plain nuts not to make a series out of Sleeping Dogs.  

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On 1/27/2022 at 6:59 AM, Empire said:

Sleeping Dogs was great and so underrated in my opinion. It had a great story and its own identity away from gta and saints row. I'd love to see a sequel but I doubt it will happen now

Agreed - it was an amazing experience. It's just one of those underrated games that'll slip through the crack like so many others.

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