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The Blackangel

Top 10 Video Games That Mess With You In Real Life

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5 minutes ago, Techno said:

Mate I've been playing violent games for years now, and there are only three dead bodies in my basement. Cleary if video games made someone violent I would have more dead bodies in the basement.


If you got mad at the fact that looting the bodies didn't yield any purple items, then three bodies might still be enough to indicate a problem.

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7 minutes ago, Shagger said:


If you got mad at the fact that looting the bodies didn't yield any purple items, then three bodies might still be enough to indicate a problem.

Purple items? I dont kill people to loot them, I do it to EAT them. Whadda think I ate, Pizza Rolls?

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42 minutes ago, Techno said:

Mate I've been playing violent games for years now, and there are only three dead bodies in my basement. Cleary if video games made someone violent I would have more dead bodies in the basement.

I'm calling the cops on you already for having 3 dead bodies in your basement literally 😂

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16 hours ago, Boblee said:

If my woman sees that, she's definitely leaving me or would have to see how twisted my sex cravings are. 

You're a definitely a freak alright but some ladies do love that, so you never can tell what might happen when she gifts finds out. 

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