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Does epic games give out too many free games?

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  On 2/14/2022 at 6:21 AM, skyfire said:

I think it's more like promotion on EPIC ... as fortnite is free everywhere they are just using EPICs platform to advertise I suppose.


That's exactly what Shagger said as well. I simply went to epic platform the other day to check on the game, fortnite is simply on the giveaway there.

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The best think I like about epic games is they give free games frequently, A little while ago I was checking my facebook feed and game to a news about epic games giving 2 games for free. However, I did not click the link because I have a hectic schedule.

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  On 4/6/2022 at 8:41 PM, Syntax said:

The more free games they give out, the more you are likely to buy a game or add-on though them (which is where they would make their money back easily dependent on how many you have purchased).


Correct. The in-game purchases add up too when it comes to better ways in which Epic game company earn from their free downloaded games. 

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  On 4/10/2022 at 6:51 PM, skyfire said:

Another thing is data. By giving the free version and tracking the users origin and other stuff there is a lot of data to be extract.



That's kind of paranoid. So Epic knows I claimed my free copy of "The Vanishing of Ethen Carter". OK, what's next? Seriously, what is there to be done with that information? So no, there is not that much data to be extracted from that and not that much they can do with it. And remember it's not like Steam, Sony, Xbox and all the rest can't do the same thing, so I would either not single Epic out or remove the tin-foil hat and relax.

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They give away a lot of free games with a hooked to get back the money spent on developing the games through their dump of microtransactions in the game. They make more money from microtransactions than what they could have made from just selling the game. 

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  On 4/10/2022 at 7:11 PM, Shagger said:

That's kind of paranoid. So Epic knows I claimed my free copy of "The Vanishing of Ethen Carter". OK, what's next? Seriously, what is there to be done with that information? So no, there is not that much data to be extracted from that and not that much they can do with it. And remember it's not like Steam, Sony, Xbox and all the rest can't do the same thing, so I would either not single Epic out or remove the tin-foil hat and relax.


Under normal circumstances, I'd call him a bit paranoid as well but with the data mining controversy a few years back with Epic mining data from your Steam account along with a few other incidents since then, it'd be wise to limit your usage of the platform. We know other platforms can in fact do the same thing but there hasn't been such an issue with other companies so while I wouldn't go as far as to say they're working with the Chinese government or anything like that, I don't entirely trust them either.

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