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La Nina weather is killing Texas

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La Nina and El Nino weather derives from the temperatures of the pacific ocean. This year it's La Nina which means the southern USA will be warmer and drier, and the north will get wetter and colder. It has been full blown summer outside for a week now and all the wildlife is confused. I've got to go cut grass and might as well get a damn garden growing. Last I checked I was still alive and not taking a stroll though hell's inferno. Maybe that's why Texans are the way they are; it's because we're all dead and don't even realize were already in hell. Need to splash cold water on my face. Wake up, wake up; it's all a nightmare. 

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It's so scary for those people. Well, anyone that are living when it happens and you might be ready but at times it still can clean you out. I think they can happen anywhere but seem to be less common south of I-10, especially as you get closer to the Rio Grande Valley.

You can probably find a distribution map for tornadoes in Texas.

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Missouri's biggest weather worries are tornadoes and floods. We deal with them every year. Although we haven't had any statewide floods like we did in 1993, and we haven't had any F5's since 2011 when that one hit Joplin, we still have to put up with that shit. I live on a street that ends in a cul-de-sac and I'm just glad that I live on the top of the hill.

Those are the natural weather problems. We also have to deal with robberies, and just random gun violence. Hearing gunshots around here is an almost daily occurrence. It gets old, but I'm ready.

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  On 12/30/2021 at 8:45 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

La Nina and El Nino weather derives from the temperatures of the pacific ocean. This year it's La Nina which means the southern USA will be warmer and drier, and the north will get wetter and colder. It has been full blown summer outside for a week now and all the wildlife is confused. I've got to go cut grass and might as well get a damn garden growing. Last I checked I was still alive and not taking a stroll though hell's inferno. Maybe that's why Texans are the way they are; it's because we're all dead and don't even realize were already in hell. Need to splash cold water on my face. Wake up, wake up; it's all a nightmare. 


I've been to Texas in the summer once and I don't ever forward to going back. Most people claim Jamaica is hot but I've nearly suffered a heatstroke just standing outside for 5 minutes in the sun. I have to be under an umbrella like Michael Jackson was.

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It's happening; the change in temperature has major tornadoes all over Texas and the south. It's going to be a bad year no doubt. 

  On 1/31/2022 at 2:59 AM, killamch89 said:

I've been to Texas in the summer once and I don't ever forward to going back. Most people claim Jamaica is hot but I've nearly suffered a heatstroke just standing outside for 5 minutes in the sun. I have to be under an umbrella like Michael Jackson was.


I haven't been to Jamaica but I imagine there is an ocean breeze at least. Texas is a stale sauna with 100% humidity and 0 wind You will never die of thirst in Texas at least. Just drink the dew from grass every morning and evening lol

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I went to a music festival several years ago, and the temperature was well over 100 (around 120 at night and 130+ during the day), and the humidity was over 100%. That's a deadly situation there. I actually missed the second half of the entire festival because I ended up in the hospital due to the heat. We went back, packed up our shit, and left to a hotel. And luckily enough, the car broke down which meant we had to spend an extra week in that hotel before we could go home. But as long as I was in the AC, and with their indoor pool I was safe. I didn't dare go outside until the car was fixed and we were on our way home.

The odd thing is that it was in a location you never would have expected such dangerous temperatures.
Southern Illinois.

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  On 3/23/2022 at 4:44 PM, The Blackangel said:

I went to a music festival several years ago, and the temperature was well over 100 (around 120 at night and 130+ during the day), and the humidity was over 100%. That's a deadly situation there. I actually missed the second half of the entire festival because I ended up in the hospital due to the heat. We went back, packed up our shit, and left to a hotel. And luckily enough, the car broke down which meant we had to spend an extra week in that hotel before we could go home. But as long as I was in the AC, and with their indoor pool I was safe. I didn't dare go outside until the car was fixed and we were on our way home.

The odd thing is that it was in a location you never would have expected such dangerous temperatures.
Southern Illinois.


That must have been an El Niño year where the north is hotter and the south is cooler. Or plain global warming. Soon it will feel like Death Valley everywhere 

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My Sunday is going to be 104 degrees outside. June and July have been horrible so far. The humidity will be in the 30’s which isn’t that bad. But that will be the hottest day so far. Today when I opened my door it just felt like a heat wave just sunk in. There is some strange pressure affect with all that heat compared to inside. And when it cools at night it feels like the heat gets pushed into my home like a vacuum and It just feels super hot inside so I have to keep dunking my head in water and let the fan blast me. 

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  On 7/10/2022 at 3:46 AM, Reality vs Adventure said:

My Sunday is going to be 104 degrees outside. June and July have been horrible so far. The humidity will be in the 30’s which isn’t that bad. But that will be the hottest day so far. Today when I opened my door it just felt like a heat wave just sunk in. There is some strange pressure affect with all that heat compared to inside. And when it cools at night it feels like the heat gets pushed into my home like a vacuum and It just feels super hot inside so I have to keep dunking my head in water and let the fan blast me. 


And that probably the main reason I haven't been back to Texas. Seriously, why is it so hot in the summer? Florida is also just as bad but at least depending on where you live you can go to the beach. I remember while staying with my aunt that lived in Texas, we had to have the A/C on the coldest temperature just to stay cool in her house. When I stepped outside the first time after coming out the airport, I swear I entered the pits of hell lol.

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  On 7/15/2022 at 5:44 PM, killamch89 said:

And that probably the main reason I haven't been back to Texas. Seriously, why is it so hot in the summer? Florida is also just as bad but at least depending on where you live you can go to the beach. I remember while staying with my aunt that lived in Texas, we had to have the A/C on the coldest temperature just to stay cool in her house. When I stepped outside the first time after coming out the airport, I swear I entered the pits of hell lol.


I have family leaving in Texas currently, I haven't heard from them in months or even a year, I wonder what they might be experiencing from the weather at this point, even with the heat wave that made some schools stop students from attending classes this week.

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