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Traps in video games

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Not a lot. The older stuff doesn't really do a lot of traps. The only thing I can think of is road bandits, and gang surprises when they try to stop you to rob you in RDR2. That shit gets annoying, but they're always so damn dumb that they're easy to kill. Which leaves you with a few bodies to loot.

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Traps are a common thing in a lot of games. Dark souls is known for a lot of their traps. I remember some games dealing with bear traps and those can be annoying. I think in the tenchu games that had traps as well. I think a room with spikes, stuff like that. 

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On 1/1/2022 at 3:05 PM, Heatman said:

Seriously, I hate being caught up in any kind of traps because it means that I'm not paying much attention to detail. I'd see it as I'm not taking the game seriously. 

Funny enough, there is no way you wouldn't get caught up in the trap no matter how much you are being careful with your play. 

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