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I don't think people are defined by labels. Labels only group people based on a certain trait or factor that they have. People are not just one trait or one factor. They are a complex organism that have been though out different environments, people are not a single label, nor multiple labeks, they are people, nothing can truly define them.

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  • Pink Floyd is overrated
  • Rammstein is Laibach for kids
  • Rap is not music
  • Blues and Jazz are indistinguishable from each other
  • Cryptocurrency is a bigger threat to civilization than mutually assured destruction was during the cold war
  • Atomic energy is the most sustainable way to meet increasing energy demand
  • EVs are less eco friendly than cars with internal combustion engines
  • UBI is not just necessary but inevitable, and it should've been introduced as far back as the industrial revolution
  • Technological unemployment in menial jobs should be encouraged, not fought against
  • Only the rich are free in a capitalist society


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  • Vigilante justice is the only true form of justice.
  • Euthanasia should be legal for humans as well as animals.
  • Cult members should be locked in a mental asylum for life ad forgotten about.
  • Women have the right to choose without having to read xtian material and and a waiting period.
  • Child abuse is punishable by death.
  • Individuality is to be encouraged instead of being called a freak for rebelling against the corporate masters trying to make us all carbon copy automatons to make them even richer than they already are.
  • 90's "music" should be erased and banned permanently.
Edited by The Blackangel
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Mainstream music since the 90's is pure shit.

Democracy doesn't work, despite our best efforts.

Shrooms are a lot of fun.

All terrorists, both domestic and foreign should be executed without trial or due process.

Nonhuman lives should be valued equal to that of human lives.

Marijuana: Just fucking legalize it already. Prohibition didn't work in 1923, and it sure as shit ain't working now.

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These are my own personal 14 tenets. Take from them what you will.


1.) Treat others the way they treat you.

2.) Mind your own business.

3.) Take nothing at face value.

4.) Stupidity is unacceptable.

5.) Entitlement is inexcusable.

6.) Defend yourself viciously and without mercy.

7.) If you allow yourself to be taken advantage of you deserve the repercussions. Some situations excluded.

8.) Respect is never to be granted, but only ever earned.

9.) Animal abuse carries with it a torturous sentence of death.

10.) Robbery/theft carries a sentence of lifetime imprisonment in solitary.

11.) Sex offenders, pedophiles, and all child assault crimes forfeit all human rights including but not limited to food and water. These criminals are the ones used for medical research instead of animals.

12.) Individuality is to be encouraged and celebrated.

13.) Those of the LGBTQ+ community are to be welcomed with open arms.

14.) Women have the right to choose.

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On 1/18/2022 at 3:08 AM, Heatman said:

Meat is overrated and sitting down in shower is better than standing up in shower. 

If I could, I would stand in the shower. I'm not taking offense, as this is a thread for unpopular opinions. But the ability to stand there and let the hot water run down my body would be great.

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14 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

If I could, I would stand in the shower. I'm not taking offense, as this is a thread for unpopular opinions. But the ability to stand there and let the hot water run down my body would be great.

My mother sits down for her shower 🚿... She always request for her bathing 🛀 seat whenever she wants to bath. Maybe it's old age or something.. 

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