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The Blackangel

The Secret To The Gruesome Sounds In Mortal Kombat Is Exploding Vegetables

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How else we getting the sounds? 😄 Sucks that they waste all that food to get the sound, but then again this has been done for movies, tv, cartoons, and other video games. Sound designers must have a really fun job trying to figure out the best sound effects for their games, movies and everything else. 

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I never really put a lot of thought into how they got their sound effects, but crushing/crunching up vegetables would have been last on my list, assuming it was on my list at all. If anything I would have thought the sound effects were purely digital and created from nothing on a computer.

Shows what I know, don't it?

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The thing I observed from this video was the sound guy was looking at the violence at a totally different way. He wasn't focusing on the fact that the guy is being crushed and getting grossed out. His entire pleasure was derived from an artistic motive to recreate whatever he was cooking up in his brain and the sounds he wanted, while evoking the target emotion using those objects.

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