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Do you think most gamers are "Toxic"?

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Do you guys think that most gamers are "toxic"? I don't think most of us are, but I'd argue that most online gamers tend to be toxic, at least those you meet in the lobbies with voice chat enabled. It isn't as bad as the early 360/ps3 days when gamers would just swear up a storm, throw out racial slurs and just be obnoxiously loud and dumb. But these days, I just ignore those lobbies by sticking to my private chats with friends. 

I cringe whenever I hear a lobby voice chat. I always make sure I'm muted, and if anyone talks to me, I tend to ignore them, unless they're being kind, which I may respond, idk. 

I feel like a lot of the gamers out there are toxic, but I think you could say that about most people these days haha. Just look at social media. 

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