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What are your feelings about NFTs and gaming?

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I think it's absolutely pointless. It is a symptom of a self absorbed societies that have gotten so overindulged in social media, making everyone think they are someone, and then now NFT's are more of the same arrogant disease where people want to spread pointless and worthless pics to sell or own like it's a a happy sticker on a test you passed in school. And when Melania Trump gets in on it making NFT's of her portraits, then oh God you know it's bad when the crime boss family gets in on it this quick. That should tell us something. We are an egotistic society and only becoming worse. 

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Here is another stupid opinion from a celebrity in this case Mike Shinoda from Linkin park. 

"Mike Shinoda


Ah! So here’s something people aren’t explaining: NFTs don’t have to be jpgs. Imagine taking your favorite skin from Valorant, and using it Fortnite. And not paying extra, because you own it. Then using it in CoD, Minecraft, even Twitter, IG. So many possibilities, no?"....

So here is the problem with that example. First I have to pay thounsands of dollars on a NFT skin , and in order to use that skin the company that owns the videogame has to program my skin into the videogame and this has to be repeatedly programed on every single videogame were I want to use my NFT skin. Obviusly gaming companies are not going to do it for free, from market perspective (or common sense) just because you paid thousands for a skin doesnt mean that they have to program it on their game for free.

Now people can argue, well why dont they offer this as a service for people who have their NFT and pay a fee in order to use it on the game. 

Well... wouldnt be easier for the company just to offer their own skins for a much cheaper price and a wider audience? Which is going to make them more money than having to go through the troubles of programing a single skin so just only one person can use it.

And its exactly what videogame companies have been doing already for years because it makes sense!!!

I love Linkin park but I cant stand people defending NFT as actual profitable market

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On 1/16/2022 at 9:23 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

I think it's absolutely pointless. It is a symptom of a self absorbed societies that have gotten so overindulged in social media, making everyone think they are someone, and then now NFT's are more of the same arrogant disease where people want to spread pointless and worthless pics to sell or own like it's a a happy sticker on a test you passed in school. And when Melania Trump gets in on it making NFT's of her portraits, then oh God you know it's bad when the crime boss family gets in on it this quick. That should tell us something. We are an egotistic society and only becoming worse. 

Everything is all about making money lately and the way everyone is going about it is becoming very scary as it's something that's not going to stick for a while and it's all booted off. 

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3 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

I've always hated NFTs - always! It's like my hatred for Star Citizen. I mean, have you been on the subreddit and see how some of their players delude themselves? NFTs have always felt like a scam and is a scam and will always be a scam.


You are so right about Star Citizen fans.  They are insane.  $750 million of thier fan's money spent plus an undisclosed sum in loans and investment and all that have to offer to thier fans in an alpha with the most ludicrous DLC options in video game history.  As scams go, NFT's wish they could be Star Citizen.

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1 minute ago, Shagger said:


You are so right about Star Citizen fans.  They are insane.  $750 million of thier fan's money spent plus an undisclosed sum in loans and investment and all that have to offer to thier fans in an alpha with the most ludicrous DLC options in video game history.  As scams go, NFT's wish they could be Star Citizen.

The worst comment there and I had to respond the other day was them criticizing Starfield as a buggy mess. Yes, Starfield has its flaws but it's a workable game that is released and is stable and you can mod it at the very least. As a matter of fact, I'd go as far as to say Starfield has done what most of Star Citizen "set out to do" (They are never going to do most of what they promised). I lost brain cells in that subreddit.

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