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Churches That Believe They are the Only Way

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16 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

The way I see it, is that the the Holocaust was both a racist and religious attack. Those two things go hand in hand with the far right groups like the Nazis and fascists. They exploit religion to use against unwanted types of people. German Nazis saw Jews as the people who crucified Jesus, but it was only a front to the underlying racist issue. That became their rallying cry that persuaded people to hate Jews and demonized them by portraying them as anti christain. And today, the far right hides behind religion to demonize minorities in this country and so the essence of exploiting religion goes perfectly with racism. Because that way you can discriminate and incite hatred demonizing those people and claim it has nothing to do with race. That’s why there is the huge push against transgender, gays, and abortions because that way you can pile them all into the same group and use religion as the tool to make the right wingers hate non christians, even if they were christians.  But racism and bigotry is the driving force, while religion is the vehicle to drive the division. That way they can say they aren’t phobic of those things so they don't alienate public opinion. And anti abortion is their backbone to claim they care about life, when in actuality anti abortion is only a recruiting tool to garner favorable support. At the same time as they grow their base, they get worse and worse in their culture war. All of this leads to genocide eventually. And that's part of the reason we see the attack on the subject of history in public schools, so as to decrease awareness of historical racist atrocities which in return decreases self awareness of racial disparity. So not only is the mask of christianity propelling a cultural racist war in this country, but they are also inadvertently stripping christianity from those they demonize. I think evangelicals probably is where christianity is exploited the most and it's where the far right has dug in their heels, in cult like fashion. 


Abortions might be affecting more non-whites than whites, maybe by even a large degree.  In fact, some anti-abortion activists claim Planned Parenthood was a eugenics inspired weapon against a non-white population.

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1 minute ago, Jayson said:

Abortions might be affecting more non-whites than whites, maybe by even a large degree.  In fact, some anti-abortion activists claim Planned Parenthood was a eugenics inspired weapon against a non-white population.

Is that the only word you took out of his entire comment? That's enough. It's not my job to police people's opinions or beliefs, but you need to get off the soapbox of talking about only abortion. This is not an abortion debate site or forum. If abortion is the only thing you care about, you're in the wrong place. You need to start talking about gaming as well. I know I'm not the only one to come here every day, and see you on a tirade about abortion. Either agree to disagree, or please shut the fuck up.

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 I believe that every religion (and denomination) in those religions always have the thought that they are the only one that preaches the way to paradise. To me, anyone in any religion should do good and avoid wrongdoings as that is the way to see God. 

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I figured I'd share this with you guys, I just got a letter from Jehovah's Witnesses spreading their message of "Hope".  For the sake of everyone I've covered up the sensitive information such as address', emails and the QR code but I wanted you all to have the opportunity to read this and see just manipulative these people are even in the UK where these kind of Evangelical Christians extremists aren't that common nor taken very seriously.



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On 3/8/2022 at 4:26 AM, Jayson said:

Jehovah's Witnesses believe they are the only way.   How do you feel about such churches?   Is believing you're the only way arrogant and/or closed minded?  Is it simply the result of a feeling among some that truth is narrow?

I think that's just the way it works when people have such a strong belief or faith in something. It can go for pretty much anything else as well. When I was low-carbing in 2017, I truly believed it was the only way to get thin and stay thin. Like no other way would work. Yet, once I got off the low-carb train and just ate other stuff too, I still kept losing weight.. without even trying or worrying about carbs.

Or when someone falls in love with a new person, they can only see that one person as "the one"... it never dawns on them that there very well might be many, many other 'ones" coming along the way after that one. 😂

I was raised Catholic, but because there is some Jewish on my dad's side, I've explored that religion as well, and to be honest, I feel very comfortable with both.

I know there's a higher being and Creator, and that's all I really need to know. I have seen His works.


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I was raised Roman Catholic, despite being excommunicated when I was 3. That's not a typo. Three years old. A toddler. I never saw any kind of legitimacy in christianity in any form. To me it's nothing but a big criminal cult.

I did briefly consider a conversion to Judaism, but the Abrahamic religions just aren't for me. Organized religion as a whole just isn't something I could truly get behind. I have my views and religion, but I keep that to myself unless someone who is interested in learning asks to talk about it. Two things I try to avoid talking about are religion and politics. Otherwise I'm more or less an open book.

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