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Gore tools are the best mechanics in first person shooters imo

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For those who don't know, it's this mechanic in a game which dropped this month called shadow warrior 3. The mechanic is like glory kills but much better imo. When you finish an enemy the animation plays out where you rip something out of them and then weaponise it. Like against the ice demons you can take out an eye and then throw it to freeze enemies or you can use an enemys sword and go nuts with it, you can turn the strongest demon inot a machine gun and just go to town. There's even one which lets you somehow turn one of the demons into a black hole which sucks in every enemy near its radius. It's crazy! You have a finisher gauge with 3 segments, some enemies can be finished with one bar, some need two, one of them needs three. But the gore tool is stronger depending on how much bar it takes.



I would highly reccomend buying this game, it's about £40 in the UK and $50 in the US. It's a short game but other than that it's a blast especially if you enjoyed DOOM Eternal.

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