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VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations

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14 hours ago, Heatman said:

I do think that the more users can get nominated, it's going to be a heated contest unlike if it's just for few members. 

 I don't how it was being done in the past, but I didn't read where the main post said that there is limited number of nominations one can do.

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23 hours ago, Boblee said:

It's @Knight Baridafirst time for the nomination and he's going to get a front row seat of how things are done. The nomination is the easy part. 

 I am learning how these things are done. I hope to understand better how it is done as the days go by. I sincerely appreciate everyone that helped to put me through. 

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13 hours ago, Knight Barida said:

 I don't how it was being done in the past, but I didn't read where the main post said that there is limited number of nominations one can do.

In the past, @DC didn't care. But then we started getting people nominating 5-10 people at a time. So now in the name of simplicity and fairness, he has limited it to one nomination per member. Sure you can nominate a member that someone else has already chosen, but that's rather pointless since they have already been nominated. Also there's never any kind of requirement to make a nomination, nor is there one to even vote. You can join in, or you can opt out. There have even been members who have asked to not be nominated. And if you are nominated, you are also welcome to vote for yourself. But voting isn't multiple answer. Like voting in any election, it's one and done until the next election.

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2 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

In the past, @DC didn't care. But then we started getting people nominating 5-10 people at a time. So now in the name of simplicity and fairness, he has limited it to one nomination per member. Sure you can nominate a member that someone else has already chosen, but that's rather pointless since they have already been nominated. Also there's never any kind of requirement to make a nomination, nor is there one to even vote. You can join in, or you can opt out. There have even been members who have asked to not be nominated. And if you are nominated, you are also welcome to vote for yourself. But voting isn't multiple answer. Like voting in any election, it's one and done until the next election.

When I found out that my favorite member here @Withywarlockis not interested in being nominated and voted for, it truly made me feel bad because I really enjoyed reading his post whenever he can make them. But I have to respect his personal decision. 

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This contest is one of the amazing features I love at VGR forum. I am not looking to win even I get nominated. I've been participating since day one I joined here to cast my honest vote to the one that appeals me with his or her posts overall within the specified month. I will still cast my vote again this time, everyone deserves it, but at the end it comes down to being a single winner. 

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