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The Blackangel

Terrifying New Report Says Half Of US Water Is Unsafe To Touch

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Humans might think that swimming in poo like maggots is disgusting, but we swim, drink, bathe, grow food using water that is laced with all kinds of toxic chemicals from industrial waste. In other words, we swim in our own shit like maggots do. Then you have Native Americans protesting about oil pipelines passing through their territory and contaminating their water and soil. The Keystone Pipeline has already spilled oil twice in a two year period contaminating soil and water with almost 400,000 gallons in 2019 and 200,000 gallons in 2017. 

I know the pharmaceutical industry has contaminated the water supply a lot over the years. And all the household products we use that goes down the drain is bad. Even shampoos has all sorts of forever chemicals. Everything goes down the drain. Even fluoride is supposedly an essential nutrient and is oversupplied in our water. We do need fluoride, but we are fooled. There are many different types of fluoride, but we are all led to believe there is only one. All those other types of fluoride is actually waste products that goes into our water. And since we don't want to clean it up, or regulate, then we just allow toxic byproducts in the fluoride family to go unchecked in water. 

This is just another one of those things that leads me to believe that humans are parasites. Everything we need to survive, we destroy. We're our own demise. And you actually have people out there doing everything they can to support all this harm. Human intelligence really isn't that intelligent at all. How can you make a space shuttle, then poison your resources? The irony. I mean, if you can make super clean labs and have all kinds of protective measures for microorganism/viral research and radiation use, then why not have clean factories that don't shit in our water? 

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This has left a bad taste in my mouth because I realized that we are living in the era where all of our water is contaminated and there is no new supply coming. Yet, we still do not prioritize on going green to save the planet from this contamination. boi it is getting crazy every year. 

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What water is safe to drink? If you drink bottled water you get plastic contaminants loaded with estrogens. If you drink tap water… First, if your water is hard meaning it has lots of calcium, I’m skeptical it could lead to kidney stones. I am angry at the world right now because I live in a place that has hard water and I just had the first condition in a rabbit that has a hard time urinating. I didn’t know that my rabbits are exposed to a high calcium intake in tap water which rabbits need a very low intake of calcium. How the fuck does anyone survive? Plastics have estrogens that leak into water giving men bitch tits. 

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