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Redeeming qualities of the south.

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Speaking as a southerner (as most consider me) there's more than just redneck accents, dirt roads, and good food. The culture is pretty laid back for the most part, unless you're different. People sit out on their porch all the time typically drinking lemonade and yuking it up with some friends or family. Others get out and play ball on a dirt court/field. Sure, there's a lot of old time racism. A lot of people don't know who won the civil war. Or don't acknowledge it. But it's mostly simple people, living simple lives. At least where I come from it is.

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2 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

I hear Antartica is very cold. I don't even know who's flag is on it anymore. 


Under the terms of the Antarctic Treaty the whole continent is designated a nature and scientific reserve.  There is no government and no nation is allowed to own any land there.  There are no military bases or permanent human population.

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There are some permanent settlements, but the scientists that go there usually don't stay more than 6 months. They collect their research for whatever it is they're wanting or needing, and then they return to wherever it is that their lab/office is to work up their research until a possible return is required. I'm a winter baby, and my body can't handle heat that gets much more than 70° (21.1° C) or I pass out. Despite that, Antarctica is too damn cold for me. Fuck the penguins, I'm staying home.

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For this conversation, I think the main focus is the American south. I miss the days when I could fill a jar with lemonade, and sit out on the porch swing just watching the world go by. That was truly peaceful. If I had the money, I would have a cabin built way back in the woods so that I could enjoy that once more.

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On 5/25/2022 at 10:15 AM, The Blackangel said:

For this conversation, I think the main focus is the American south. I miss the days when I could fill a jar with lemonade, and sit out on the porch swing just watching the world go by. That was truly peaceful. If I had the money, I would have a cabin built way back in the woods so that I could enjoy that once more.

Oh okay lol. I heard @Reality vs Adventure mention Antartica so I wasn't sure - I used to like going to Atlanta in the winter but it's an extremely dangerous place nowadays. One of my long-time friends died in a drive-by shooting recently.

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