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Question about Booker's office in BioShock Infinite

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For a long time, I assumed Booker’s office which shows up in situations where he almost dies was a figurative location in his mind where his jumbled memories tried to sort themselves. But owing to its grainy, black and white look and the theory of quantum immortality, I am wondering if it is more like a tear.

If so, I think every time Booker “almost dies,” perhaps he does die in one world, and we are following a universe where he didn’t.

I always get confused about the “broken” people along the way who remember dying in a neighboring universe. Why do they remember this at all? Did the consciousness of the versions that died somehow get pulled through the tears and merged with that of the consciousness of the versions that lived?
Does this also happen to Booker during the game if he dies?

In which case, my next question is whether this means that somehow in the after credits scene, we are seeing the older Booker we know transposed/superpositioned over a younger Booker who never went to the baptism? Did “our” Booker escape erasure after all?


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