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Nintendo Face Protest From Contract Workers, Labor Complaint Filed As Reports Expose Mistreatment

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I'm not entirely surprised to be fair as most gaming companies really do treat their workers like disposable tools. Nintendo has always been in my good books when it came to worker treatment because of some staff previously coming out and saying the numerous benefits they enjoyed working there. But as with most big companies, things aren't as rosy as they try to make it seem. To be fair, contract workers are always ill-treated by most companies because they always have little to no rights (I should know, I've been in the same situation before) and it's sad.

What do you guys think of this? How does this affect your opinion on Nintendo as a company?

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Definitely disappointing to hear about, but also unfortunately not surprising either considering how all these other companies had been. I had hoped that maybe things were better at Nintendo when I would hear about games being delayed to reduce crunch time, and the fact that the company at least seemed to have more of an emphasis on maintaining a positive public reputation on their products, but it's clear to see that they're still just like any other company below that surface. (Though it definitely lines up with how they treat their fanbase.) A good reminder that as much as Nintendo puts on a happy face and acts like your friend, they're still just another company. (Like Disney in more ways than one that's for sure...)

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With a big company like Nintendo, you're going to have some problems throughout. Nintendo isn't this godly company that does no wrong. They've done bad things, dumb things, and more. But for the most part, they seem to sort it out. But idk, I feel like Nintendo will sort whatever problems they have.

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