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"I'm not interested"

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How do you say "I'm not interested" without actually saying "I'm not interested"?

I usually say "pass" or "I've got to go" or plain out ignore the person's question/solicitation. 

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24 minutes ago, Crazycrab said:

I'm not interested in how anyone says I'm not interested when they wanna say I'm not interested without saying I'm not interested....  I would just tell I'm not interested.

Thanks for giving me a headache. Just what I needed this morning. But I get it, sometimes it's better to be direct, sometimes it better to be subtle/less confrontational.

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I've tried to be nice, but all that does is boost their hopes. So now I just walk away. It's just the easiest thing to do. I remember going to the grocery store on either memorial's day or veteran's day, can't remember. They wanted a donation and I turned them down. They were also handing out little American flags and I didn't take one when offered and they were in total shock and demonized me from that point on like I'm anti-American. Honestly, I didn't take it because I thought it was childish. They gonna give me a lollipop too? So I can skip a doodle down the aisles in the store? Is that how they measure patriotism? The flag also reminded me of my gymnastics days where I always carried a flag in my pocket, and it's just something I grew out of. So, no matter if it's a flag, or absolutely anything, people are going to get offended if you linger and don't take what they are offering. Just walk away. 

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32 minutes ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

I've tried to be nice, but all that does is boost their hopes. So now I just walk away. It's just the easiest thing to do. I remember going to the grocery store on either memorial's day or veteran's day, can't remember. They wanted a donation and I turned them down. They were also handing out little American flags and I didn't take one when offered and they were in total shock and demonized me from that point on like I'm anti-American. Honestly, I didn't take it because I thought it was childish. They gonna give me a lollipop too? So I can skip a doodle down the aisles in the store? Is that how they measure patriotism? The flag also reminded me of my gymnastics days where I always carried a flag in my pocket, and it's just something I grew out of. So, no matter if it's a flag, or absolutely anything, people are going to get offended if you linger and don't take what they are offering. Just walk away. 

Walking away is definitely a great option - As for me, I learned to just tune out everyone so you can be yelling in my ears and I still won't hear you or won't really care what you're saying.

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