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Your opinion about beauty pageants

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Well, aside it placing too much emphasis on physical beauty and exploiting sex appeal and glorifying nudity, it is actually a good way for people to express themselves in terms of how unique each individual can be and how you use fashion as a message to bring different races and classes of people together.

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  On 6/29/2022 at 10:37 PM, Clasher said:

Well, aside it placing too much emphasis on physical beauty and exploiting sex appeal and glorifying nudity, it is actually a good way for people to express themselves in terms of how unique each individual can be and how you use fashion as a message to bring different races and classes of people together.


I kinda disagree with the last part of your comment - I don't think it unites people at all and the judging is usually very biased as well.

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  On 6/30/2022 at 4:34 PM, killamch89 said:

I kinda disagree with the last part of your comment - I don't think it unites people at all and the judging is usually very biased as well.


Miss world pageant brings people from different countries to a particular country just like the Olympics or world cup events and at that moment race or class is overlooked , people from Africa and other continents are allowed to compete without prejudice and are given equal chances at winning. So check your facts well and you will know it is an event meant to bring the world together celebrating fashion and beauty.

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It brings unity no doubt, what @Clasher said isn't wrong. I love watching the miss world show, so I could see beautiful different faces on the TV screen, and majority of people gets closer to watching the show due to the personalities coming from different demographics that features in the pageantry contest. 


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  On 6/30/2022 at 5:11 PM, Clasher said:

Miss world pageant brings people from different countries to a particular country just like the Olympics or world cup events and at that moment race or class is overlooked , people from Africa and other continents are allowed to compete without prejudice and are given equal chances at winning. So check your facts well and you will know it is an event meant to bring the world together celebrating fashion and beauty.


Africa is a totally different culture than places like North America. People here are too conceited and have a superiority complex that prevents us from having that kind of culture. If people would just get the hell over themselves, then maybe we can get to something like that. Unfortunately I don't see that happening within my lifetime.

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  On 7/1/2022 at 12:21 AM, The Blackangel said:

Africa is a totally different culture than places like North America. People here are too conceited and have a superiority complex that prevents us from having that kind of culture. If people would just get the hell over themselves, then maybe we can get to something like that. Unfortunately I don't see that happening within my lifetime.


I know that pageantry has since lost its touch of celebrating true beauty that doesn't just come from physical appearance but within and now celebrates nudity and  just the sheer need for people to gain approval to know if they are truly beautiful.

I just hope we get to the point where we can just celebrate creative fashion, beauty in all it's forms with people from different cultures , race and background come together in Harmony. I don't know much about north America but I still feel things could get better.

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  On 7/1/2022 at 2:47 AM, Clasher said:

I know that pageantry has since lost its touch of celebrating true beauty that doesn't just come from physical appearance but within and now celebrates nudity and  just the sheer need for people to gain approval to know if they are truly beautiful.

I just hope we get to the point where we can just celebrate creative fashion, beauty in all it's forms with people from different cultures , race and background come together in Harmony. I don't know much about north America but I still feel things could get better.


The main thing I would tell you about NA, would probably be a warning about the egotism. People here have it in their heads that they are superior to everything and everyone. We're probably the only country that says we're "the greatest country in the world". I beg to differ. We have our good points, but they're far outweighed by our bad points. The divide in this country right now is mainly along political parties. There's a civil war going on, but it hasn't involved guns and militias just yet. The right wing is taking rights away, while the left wing is sadly doing nothing. I'm a left wing liberal Democrat, and at the moment I'm ashamed of my party for their inaction. Muslims and Arabs were denied entry for four years due to his bigotry. But that's what seems to run this country. Bigotry, superiority, and entitlement are the key factors here. I know those are worldwide issues, but I would wager that they're nowhere near as bad anywhere else as they are here in America.

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  On 7/1/2022 at 3:39 PM, The Blackangel said:

The main thing I would tell you about NA, would probably be a warning about the egotism. People here have it in their heads that they are superior to everything and everyone. We're probably the only country that says we're "the greatest country in the world". I beg to differ. We have our good points, but they're far outweighed by our bad points. The divide in this country right now is mainly along political parties. There's a civil war going on, but it hasn't involved guns and militias just yet. The right wing is taking rights away, while the left wing is sadly doing nothing. I'm a left wing liberal Democrat, and at the moment I'm ashamed of my party for their inaction. Muslims and Arabs were denied entry for four years due to his bigotry. But that's what seems to run this country. Bigotry, superiority, and entitlement are the key factors here. I know those are worldwide issues, but I would wager that they're nowhere near as bad anywhere else as they are here in America.


Sad, but the truth is every region got its own demons, here we profess democracy but we are in a dictatorship government where the government doesn't listen to its people and use impoverishment of it's people as a tool to silence our collective voice, depriving us of all the basic amenities a true government of the people, by the people and for the people should provide. If we could get to where NA is right now we would be more satisfied and happy as a people.

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, there’s no real competition. Sports and other types of competitions such as math competitions will have a clear, concise winner based off the rules. Beauty pageants that determine a person’s worth based on the inside and out is a judgement call, it cannot be measured, it can only be convincing

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