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Red Dead Redemption 2 fans are planning a funeral for Red Dead Online

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  On 8/2/2022 at 10:31 PM, Kane99 said:

It sucks, because there's so much potential in RDR2 that they could easily do some work with the multiplayer side of it. But, they only care about their bottom dollar and with RDR online, they clearly aren't making tons of money on their shark cards, so they're of course going to drop their support and focus on where the money is. Just sucks, because there's so much they could do with the game, and it's as if they're just peacing out of it. I hate it. 😞


I understand but that's the problem with the modern gaming industry, every company just cares about how much they're earning and if a popular game doesn't meet that economic quota, they'll stop supporting it.

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  On 8/5/2022 at 5:02 PM, killamch89 said:

I understand but that's the problem with the modern gaming industry, every company just cares about how much they're earning and if a popular game doesn't meet that economic quota, they'll stop supporting it.


Oh of course. I knew this when they decided to never make single player DLC after the game dropped. Same with GTA V and how they never released any single player DLC, like they originally said would have some DLC. But, ever since GTA Online took over, their attention has been for online rather than single player. And part of me thinks that we'll be going into an online only experience with GTA eventually. Where they skip the single player story, and instead do a GTA Online only thing where in order to play the story, you need to play with friends via co-op or something. 

But, I hope that never happens. 

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  On 8/5/2022 at 5:02 PM, killamch89 said:

I understand but that's the problem with the modern gaming industry, every company just cares about how much they're earning and if a popular game doesn't meet that economic quota, they'll stop supporting it.


The simple truth is that nobody wants to get involved in anything that is not going to pay them very well. This is actually why so so many gaming companies keep on following that same pattern because all they are after is making profit from their projects.

They have considerably spent a lot of money in the game already and when it's not paying what they looked up for it to pay, they're definitely going to stop supporting it. 

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  On 8/6/2022 at 9:32 AM, Heatman said:

The simple truth is that nobody wants to get involved in anything that is not going to pay them very well. This is actually why so so many gaming companies keep on following that same pattern because all they are after is making profit from their projects.

They have considerably spent a lot of money in the game already and when it's not paying what they looked up for it to pay, they're definitely going to stop supporting it. 


Yup, I agree with you 100%. If Rockstar from the get go didnt make the online mode such a chore and grind, fans would have stuck with it. 

Replaying rdr2 single player, I have like $6000 plus right now. Why can't we get money that easily online? If rs actually changed it to be more profitable to actually play, then people would jump back in I think. 

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  On 8/6/2022 at 5:24 PM, Kane99 said:

Yup, I agree with you 100%. If Rockstar from the get go didnt make the online mode such a chore and grind, fans would have stuck with it. 

Replaying rdr2 single player, I have like $6000 plus right now. Why can't we get money that easily online? If rs actually changed it to be more profitable to actually play, then people would jump back in I think. 


It's good to hear that you have over $6000 in your Red Dead Redemption 2 Single player now and that's something not easy to some people to get but it's very possible to do it. Why it's not so in the online mode? With less content to play in the game, that makes it very difficult to get. You invest more in the game and get out less from it. It's not worth it. 

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  On 8/6/2022 at 6:46 PM, Heatman said:

It's good to hear that you have over $6000 in your Red Dead Redemption 2 Single player now and that's something not easy to some people to get but it's very possible to do it. Why it's not so in the online mode? With less content to play in the game, that makes it very difficult to get. You invest more in the game and get out less from it. It's not worth it. 


Honestly I think I just forgot that you make a lot of money during the story. But what I did was collect some of the gold bars around the map. Each gold bar nets you $500, so I probably ammased $3000 just from doing that. There are still gold bars on the map too, as I haven't opened the second side of the map yet. 

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  On 8/6/2022 at 10:46 PM, Kane99 said:

Honestly I think I just forgot that you make a lot of money during the story. But what I did was collect some of the gold bars around the map. Each gold bar nets you $500, so I probably ammased $3000 just from doing that. There are still gold bars on the map too, as I haven't opened the second side of the map yet. 


That's the beauty of the game and it's why the game's online mode have suffered badly because you can't get such easy in the game. Even though Rockstar are jumping from one game mechanics to another in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's still very much better in what you have in the online mode. 

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  On 8/7/2022 at 12:32 PM, Heatman said:

That's the beauty of the game and it's why the game's online mode have suffered badly because you can't get such easy in the game. Even though Rockstar are jumping from one game mechanics to another in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's still very much better in what you have in the online mode. 


I just don't like a grind when it comes to the games I play, especially online games. It's why I wasn't too fond of GTA V, because even now the payouts in that game are still bad. It was always a chore to make money in that game. My friends and I would redo the same heists just to make more money. But it would get so boring after a while that I never felt it was worth it. 

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In story mode I'm currently holding onto 15 gold bars and 2 gold ingots. I sold 3 or 4 gold bars in the beginning of chapter 2, because I needed the money for things like guns, food, ammo, saddles, and other equipment. If I decided to sell them, the gold bars could get me $7,500, and the ingots together would get me another $600. So in total that would all get me $8,100. I don't particularly need the money right now so I see no reason to sell any of them.

For those needing money, all you have to do is go hunting. You can sell carcasses and hides to all of the butchers in the game.


That out of the way, for the end of Red Dead Online, it's been a long time coming. It's been one of the worst attempts at an online game. People tried it, didn't like it, and left it behind. Sure, there are some die hard fans of it, but the majority didn't find it worth playing. I watched @Rain Dew play it a couple times, and even she didn't like it despite liking online gaming. It's a well known fact that I personally hate online gaming, so I never gave it a shot. I've tried other online games, and lost something of myself for playing them. I felt like some kind of prisoner, and that I was sick or something. I just couldn't enjoy it.

So I won't miss RDR2 Online.

Edited by The Blackangel
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  On 8/7/2022 at 6:39 PM, The Blackangel said:

In story mode I'm currently holding onto 15 gold bars and 2 gold ingots. I sold 3 or 4 gold bars in the beginning of chapter 2, because I needed the money for things like guns, food, ammo, saddles, and other equipment. If I decided to sell them, the gold bars could get me $7,500, and the ingots together would get me another $600. So in total that would all get me $8,100. I don't particularly need the money right now so I see no reason to sell any of them.

For those needing money, all you have to do is go hunting. You can sell carcasses and hides to all of the butchers in the game.


That out of the way, for the end of Red Dead Online, it's been a long time coming. It's been one of the worst attempts at an online game. People tried it, didn't like it, and left it behind. Sure, there are some die hard fans of it, but the majority didn't find it worth playing. I watched @Rain Dew play it a couple times, and even she didn't like it despite liking online gaming. It's a well known fact that I personally hate online gaming, so I never gave it a shot. I've tried other online games, and lost something of myself for playing them. I felt like some kind of prisoner, and that I was sick or something. I just couldn't enjoy it.

So I won't miss RDR2 Online.


Damn, why don't you sell them? I see no point in holding onto them, as they will eventually be put into your money anyway. But yeah, I guess when you have that much banked up already it really doesn't matter. 

On a side note, I just realized that the game tells you what kind a weapon is best to kill certain animals. Geesh, why didn't I pay attention the first time I played this game lol. 

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  On 8/8/2022 at 3:50 AM, Kane99 said:

Damn, why don't you sell them? I see no point in holding onto them, as they will eventually be put into your money anyway. But yeah, I guess when you have that much banked up already it really doesn't matter. 

On a side note, I just realized that the game tells you what kind a weapon is best to kill certain animals. Geesh, why didn't I pay attention the first time I played this game lol. 


I don't sell them because I currently don't need the money. I'm saving them for emergencies for when I absolutely need the money and am completely broke. Money tends to go quickly, but the gold bars hold their value, and stay that way. If I need the money, I'll sell one or two depending on how much I need. Until then, I hold onto them. I can hunt and sell the hides to a butcher, but that usually doesn't pay a whole lot. Especially for poor hides, but still it puts a couple bucks in your pocket. You can also collect alligator eggs and sell them. They pay an handsome price, especially if you have a lot of them. They're worth $2.50 each. So if you have a full 99 of them, it gets you $247.50, but it's hard to get a full 99 if you don't know where to find them.

As for the guns, I've never seen a message telling me what gun I need for anything. My go-to is the Springfield rifle. After I acquire the Rolling Block and put a long scope on it, I use it as a sniper rifle for animals at a longer range than the scope on the Springfield can hit. Also if you're wanting perfect hides you first need to get the buck antler trinket (it increases your chance for perfect hides), then use a rifle to hunt them. The only time/reason I use a repeater is for the challenge to kill 2 animals in the same dead eye use, and when I'm killing random small birds. So far I've gotten 3 different song birds, a couple sparrows, blue jay, robin, woodpeckers, and a couple others that I can't think of at the moment. If you're hunting, (and using a rifle) regular ammo is fine. If you're fighting enemies, use Express ammo. It does the most damage out of all the ammo with the exception of explosive ammo. Typically I only use explosive ammo on the legendary alligator. Explosive ammo doesn't harm a legendary hide, and with the gator being so damn big and fast, explosive ammo is what it takes.

If you know where to get the red chestnut Arabian, you will find an obelisk on the west side of the river not far from the horse. Inspect it and you will get a treasure map that will ultimately lead you to 6 gold bars. The statue puzzle nets you 3 gold bars. Also near the obelisk is a ritual site that you can get a mask from. The Jack Hall map that you get from Cristo Despino gets you 2 gold bars. You can also find 2 bars at the train wreck site, and one in Limpany. After chapter 3, in the ruins of Braithwaite Manor, there is one beneath the floorboards. You can also get Catherine's brooch off her charred body.

That's just a few of the bars you can find. You can also find a hell of a lot of gold nuggets. If you go to Fairvale Shanty, the loot box in there refills an infinite number of times. There's a gold nugget, platinum watch, and a random piece of jewelry. Typically a platinum earring, occasionally a platinum buckle. If you ride away just far enough (which isn't particularly far) the box refills and you can go right back and loot it again.


If you need any more help, I can probably help you out. Especially finding a good number of unique items.

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  On 8/8/2022 at 1:05 PM, The Blackangel said:

I don't sell them because I currently don't need the money. I'm saving them for emergencies for when I absolutely need the money and am completely broke. Money tends to go quickly, but the gold bars hold their value, and stay that way. If I need the money, I'll sell one or two depending on how much I need. Until then, I hold onto them. I can hunt and sell the hides to a butcher, but that usually doesn't pay a whole lot. Especially for poor hides, but still it puts a couple bucks in your pocket. You can also collect alligator eggs and sell them. They pay an handsome price, especially if you have a lot of them. They're worth $2.50 each. So if you have a full 99 of them, it gets you $247.50, but it's hard to get a full 99 if you don't know where to find them.

As for the guns, I've never seen a message telling me what gun I need for anything. My go-to is the Springfield rifle. After I acquire the Rolling Block and put a long scope on it, I use it as a sniper rifle for animals at a longer range than the scope on the Springfield can hit. Also if you're wanting perfect hides you first need to get the buck antler trinket (it increases your chance for perfect hides), then use a rifle to hunt them. The only time/reason I use a repeater is for the challenge to kill 2 animals in the same dead eye use, and when I'm killing random small birds. So far I've gotten 3 different song birds, a couple sparrows, blue jay, robin, woodpeckers, and a couple others that I can't think of at the moment. If you're hunting, (and using a rifle) regular ammo is fine. If you're fighting enemies, use Express ammo. It does the most damage out of all the ammo with the exception of explosive ammo. Typically I only use explosive ammo on the legendary alligator. Explosive ammo doesn't harm a legendary hide, and with the gator being so damn big and fast, explosive ammo is what it takes.

If you know where to get the red chestnut Arabian, you will find an obelisk on the west side of the river not far from the horse. Inspect it and you will get a treasure map that will ultimately lead you to 6 gold bars. The statue puzzle nets you 3 gold bars. Also near the obelisk is a ritual site that you can get a mask from. The Jack Hall map that you get from Cristo Despino gets you 2 gold bars. You can also find 2 bars at the train wreck site, and one in Limpany. After chapter 3, in the ruins of Braithwaite Manor, there is one beneath the floorboards. You can also get Catherine's brooch off her charred body.

That's just a few of the bars you can find. You can also find a hell of a lot of gold nuggets. If you go to Fairvale Shanty, the loot box in there refills an infinite number of times. There's a gold nugget, platinum watch, and a random piece of jewelry. Typically a platinum earring, occasionally a platinum buckle. If you ride away just far enough (which isn't particularly far) the box refills and you can go right back and loot it again.


If you need any more help, I can probably help you out. Especially finding a good number of unique items.


I guess I don't really see the point since you're carrying it with you anyway. But fair enough. 

As for how I found out what gun. It was after I studied an animal. It told me in the little popup on the bottom left what gun would wield a perfect pelt. Wish I knew about it ages ago, because I don't know how many pelts I ruined because of not knowing what the best guns to use were. 

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@The Blackangel for getting two animal shots in one, what I have recently found was when you use dead eye and are not using a scope the gun automatically marks x’s on the various targets so you can multiple shots. I know you already know this but I never really noticed till a recent game play. 

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  On 8/8/2022 at 6:28 PM, Rain Dew said:

@The Blackangel for getting two animal shots in one, what I have recently found was when you use dead eye and are not using a scope the gun automatically marks x’s on the various targets so you can multiple shots. I know you already know this but I never really noticed till a recent game play. 


Yeah, starting the game off, the dead eye auto selects people. I hate when it did that, but eventually you are able to manual mark enemies instead, which I prefer over the auto tagging that happens early on. 

  On 8/8/2022 at 6:40 PM, Rain Dew said:

Here is a fun article I just found about rdr2 “Red Dead Redemption 2 bug means even NPCs are leaving Red Dead Online”




I actually made a topic on that recently here: https://www.vgr.com/forum/topic/14849-red-dead-redemption-2-bug-means-even-npcs-are-leaving-red-dead-online/

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