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  On 7/20/2022 at 8:42 AM, Heatman said:

Once it turns into an addiction, they somewhat don't care about where they are and they would be watching it. I kind of noticed that youths and even some kids are now into watching porn more than adults and I keep asking why? Social media have been a very bad influence on these kids because you even see some ladies almost half naked on their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter happens to be the worst of them all. 


The problem is that most people are extremely addicted to it without realizing. Just ask one of them to not watch it for a few days and most if not all would break within a few hours. The other thing is that they tend to confuse porn with reality which isn't how normal relationships work between two people. On a related note, Social Media while having it's perks in terms of business, has become such a toxic medium and most people will do anything for 5 secs of internet fame. I mean, you have people literally eating their own shit online for clout. 

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Porn always puts a completely skewed idea of what sex is in the minds of young boys. They think women was them to cum all over our faces. They think we're all bisexual. That we would happily take 3 guys at once. And some of the positions are things no woman would honestly go for as they're completely impractical. For instance Pile Driver would benefit no woman, as with no blood in her pussy means no orgasm.

If guys could watch it healthily and realize that women in real life are not porn queens, things would be a lot different. Sex would be a lot better for both involved.

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  On 7/28/2022 at 7:32 PM, The Blackangel said:

Porn always puts a completely skewed idea of what sex is in the minds of young boys. They think women was them to cum all over our faces. They think we're all bisexual. That we would happily take 3 guys at once. And some of the positions are things no woman would honestly go for as they're completely impractical. For instance Pile Driver would benefit no woman, as with no blood in her pussy means no orgasm.

If guys could watch it healthily and realize that women in real life are not porn queens, things would be a lot different. Sex would be a lot better for both involved.


To be fair, it's not just the men nowadays - a growing number of women also have a warped perception of what men are supposed to be like in the bedroom because of porn. I know that there aren't any studies out there but I'd say that porn has ruined many kids because they get exposed to it from they are 7-8 when they haven't remotely developed enough maturity to know the difference between fantasy and reality.

I see it all the time on social media sites such as Reddit and others where teens or young adults talk about being exposed to some porn ad at a very vulnerable age and they became hooked. The worst part is, these ads are everywhere. It's why a few young ladies claim that they have a rape fantasy but when they actually raped by a stranger and have to face the consequences, it traumatizes them for life. If it were up to me, the porn industry would get order 66.

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  On 7/28/2022 at 8:23 PM, killamch89 said:

To be fair, it's not just the men nowadays - a growing number of women also have a warped perception of what men are supposed to be like in the bedroom because of porn.


Very true, but the number is radically different. Women who are into porn typically expect every man to be hung like a horse and know how to use it. While in reality an average size is better because you can usually get a good fuck out of it. The guy is timid due to the size of his penis, and then tries harder to please the woman. Whereas women tend to be worried about the size of their tits because guys tend to prefer big ones over smaller ones. It's why we have Wonderbras and average push up bras. It makes our chest look bigger. I actually know a guy however that prefers small breasts. From what I've heard, he is also hung like a horse and knows how to use it. He told me once that he always thought he was average or possibly even a little on the small side. I guess growing up with it and not having anything IRL to compare it to is what set his mind at that. Typically, guys also want us to be as tight as a clenched fist, which is NEVER going to be a reality. So the fear of not being adequate runs the gauntlet of all sides. But typically men worry about it more.

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  On 7/28/2022 at 8:39 PM, The Blackangel said:

Very true, but the number is radically different. Women who are into porn typically expect every man to be hung like a horse and know how to use it. While in reality an average size is better because you can usually get a good fuck out of it. The guy is timid due to the size of his penis, and then tries harder to please the woman. Whereas women tend to be worried about the size of their tits because guys tend to prefer big ones over smaller ones. It's why we have Wonderbras and average push up bras. It makes our chest look bigger. I actually know a guy however that prefers small breasts. From what I've heard, he is also hung like a horse and knows how to use it. He told me once that he always thought he was average or possibly even a little on the small side. I guess growing up with it and not having anything IRL to compare it to is what set his mind at that. Typically, guys also want us to be as tight as a clenched fist, which is NEVER going to be a reality. So the fear of not being adequate runs the gauntlet of all sides. But typically men worry about it more.


Yeah you do have a point because boys do tend to be naturally more curious and end up finding porn. Now that I think about it, this porn thing just seems like poison for the mind and let me not even get started on Child Porn. Whoever or whatever came up with that shit deserves to be punished for eternity - what kind of a warped mind entertains something like this?

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  On 7/28/2022 at 5:14 PM, killamch89 said:

The problem is that most people are extremely addicted to it without realizing. Just ask one of them to not watch it for a few days and most if not all would break within a few hours. The other thing is that they tend to confuse porn with reality which isn't how normal relationships work between two people. On a related note, Social Media while having it's perks in terms of business, has become such a toxic medium and most people will do anything for 5 secs of internet fame. I mean, you have people literally eating their own shit online for clout. 


Isn't that what addiction is all about? You'd be in it and still can't realize it and can't stop even if you're told the implications of what you're doing. Take a look at smokers that are completely addicted. It's killing their heart and lungs, they are awfully aware of that but they still can't stop till they are hospitalized. 

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I have this habit of always listening to music so either my headset or airpods - which is usually more comfortable to Wear and carry around is plug in my ears.

And most of the time people most especially my family members usually complain that I am always listening to something which is when I don't interact much when we are in a gathering or when I am needed to make an input in the conversation that's going on around me at the time.

I really don't see anything wrong with listen to music all the time but people don't usually like it when I out on my airpods and jam my music even when I am supposed to be more focused on having a conversation with them.

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  On 7/30/2022 at 9:38 AM, Heatman said:

Isn't that what addiction is all about? You'd be in it and still can't realize it and can't stop even if you're told the implications of what you're doing. Take a look at smokers that are completely addicted. It's killing their heart and lungs, they are awfully aware of that but they still can't stop till they are hospitalized. 


You're right - even when you show them something like this, they don't really care...


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  On 8/20/2022 at 9:36 AM, Clasher said:

Nail biting 🥴

It's a silly habit but when I am tensed or bored I just bite off outgrown nails, it does help with keeping my fingers trim though. Lol


It's not a good hygienic habit. 

The finger nails are known very well for hosting a lot of germs and bacterial. It's not healthy getting that into your mouth. 

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  On 8/31/2022 at 8:16 PM, Heatman said:

It's not a good hygienic habit. 

The finger nails are known very well for hosting a lot of germs and bacterial. It's not healthy getting that into your mouth. 


Most kids used to do that and it hasn't affected most of us. I agree it's not hygienic but it's a better option than getting yourself wasted or doing some hard drugs.

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I generally don't tell people I watch anime, because even in modern communities, especially Discord, people still make fun of you for being a "weeb." It really doesn't hep that I'm also a big visual novel fanatic, and VNs tend to be labeled as "weeb games with naughty anime girls," when nothing could be further from the truth.

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  On 9/2/2022 at 7:11 AM, Akun said:

I generally don't tell people I watch anime, because even in modern communities, especially Discord, people still make fun of you for being a "weeb." It really doesn't hep that I'm also a big visual novel fanatic, and VNs tend to be labeled as "weeb games with naughty anime girls," when nothing could be further from the truth.


I feel the same way slightly, although my opinion on sharing "anime" with other people is 50/50. 🤔

VNs tend to be labeled as "weeb games with naughty anime girls," when nothing could be further from the truth.

well to be honest, this is true to a certain degree though... hehe. 😅 as a lot of VN's have "patched" versions, but of course not all of them. 😁

also go browse a while on r/goodanimemes and you'll find kindred spirits. XD


anyway, my opinion on "weebs" on the internet is 50/50, I enjoy anime, or "japanime" but if a person has no interest in it like on discord, then I'll just avoid talking about it. 😅

But hey, there's plenty of weebs here and there, especially with the Vtuber trend booming now. 😀

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  On 9/2/2022 at 1:20 AM, killamch89 said:

Most kids used to do that and it hasn't affected most of us. I agree it's not hygienic but it's a better option than getting yourself wasted or doing some hard drugs.


Doing drugs isn't an option at all. No one who's sane does drugs. It kills. I have lost at least 3 friends to drugs and it's not been easy. As for the finger bitting, yeah it's better than doing drugs but it shouldn't be encouraged. I imagined no one dared do it when COVID was at its peak 😂

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