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Do you think Google will try VR?

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I could see Google making a VR headset. I don't think they have yet, the closest I know of is Google Glasses, which was a failure on their part. Or not a failure, but they gave up on it soon after. 

I know their phones work in VR, but I wouldn't count that to be honest. I think google making an actual VR headset would be cool. But knowing them, they'll find a way to cancel that too. They did have the Google Cardboard, which allowed you to use your phones as a VR headset, though limited it was still kinda cool. 

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Google is well-known for their software development than it's hardware or electronic devices venture. I never knew they had google glass that came with mobile phone features until I paid attention lately before getting such information. Even google have laptop brand but not as popular like 'microsoft, Asus, Acer, DeLL, HP etc other popular laptops. I just hope they go into VR and occupy outright position as the best VR equipment company. 

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I think the acceptance rate of VR is very good and many people are already getting their hands on it so it wouldn't be long before major companies would start making their own VR headset.

And Google has been known to follow the trend so this particular one is not so far fetched.

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20 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

Google Glass anyone? I see their possible attempt at a VR device following it down the same rabbit hole.

You beat me to it! Its ambition (and $1.5k price tag) brought it low, especially when VR is still having teething troubles to this day. I believe AR will surpass VR soon after the latter is ready, and maybe something else will come along in that time, but in the meantime Google need to take the time to have their products walk before they run. They're apparently trying to do this with Glass 2, but there's plenty of room in the Google Graveyard.

Who knows, if this fails they might eat some humble pie and make a VR headset, perhaps to spark some life back into Stadia's market share. Or maybe they're humbled enough to realise they can't beat the existing competition. They could however buy it out...

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4 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Google Glass anyone? I see their possible attempt at a VR device following it down the same rabbit hole.

I remember Google Glass. I hear there are still some people and companies that use Google Glass, supposedly it's pretty popular among people still. 

4 hours ago, Withywarlock said:

You beat me to it! Its ambition (and $1.5k price tag) brought it low, especially when VR is still having teething troubles to this day. I believe AR will surpass VR soon after the latter is ready, and maybe something else will come along in that time, but in the meantime Google need to take the time to have their products walk before they run. They're apparently trying to do this with Glass 2, but there's plenty of room in the Google Graveyard.

Who knows, if this fails they might eat some humble pie and make a VR headset, perhaps to spark some life back into Stadia's market share. Or maybe they're humbled enough to realise they can't beat the existing competition. They could however buy it out...

I honestly don't see Google attempting to make another attempt at Google Glass. I could see them go down the VR path instead, but maybe I'm wrong. I would love to see them try doing it again, but my guess is that they won't. 

We'll see, because I'd welcome it. I just don't see Google taking the chance again. 

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It's hard to imagine VR ever becoming totally mainstream when they couldn't even get people to put on 3D glasses. It could be mainstream for gaming though. Even flat games, once the comfort is there, most people will play games with glasses on. If google end up doing it, it's the profit point of view that I see them doing it for more then anything

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On 8/20/2022 at 12:17 PM, Empire said:

It's hard to imagine VR ever becoming totally mainstream when they couldn't even get people to put on 3D glasses. It could be mainstream for gaming though. Even flat games, once the comfort is there, most people will play games with glasses on. If google end up doing it, it's the profit point of view that I see them doing it for more then anything

You got a point there mate, not all technology or ideology is accepted by all with a wide arm but maybe with time just like our cellphones it can become widely adopted as a regular way of Life.

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On 10/29/2022 at 12:04 AM, Justin11 said:

You got a point there mate, not all technology or ideology is accepted by all with a wide arm but maybe with time just like our cellphones it can become widely adopted as a regular way of Life.

Yes, that time will come.. But untill then do people really want that.. or that tech will fade away 

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I definitely see Google getting into VR. They tried almost everything else whether it worked or failed. I see them trying a VR headset at some point.  Although, with the failure & closure of Stadia, maybe not.  Stadia would've been a great companion for a VR headset if they did things properly.

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Being that VR is so popular still at the moment, this would be one great reason for Google to get into the VR market and bring out their own VR headset. Who knows, maybe Google could be the one who makes one that is a little more affordable for those wanting to get into VR gaming but haven't done so yet due to the price of them at the moment. I know my youngest has asked quite a few times about us getting a VR headset but due to the price, I have been put off doing so at the moment. If someone could come out with a more affordable bundle that would be a game changer I feel.

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Guaranteed they will as Google will not want to be left behind so they'll definitely get more involved with VR. I'm not sure what happened to their AR glasses project though as they were very interested in it a few years ago.

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I believe that Google will likely try VR again. They've already shown interest with Google Cardboard and Daydream View. We know that Google Glasses wasn’t a success, but I still see that they're still working on AR technology.


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On 8/21/2024 at 5:33 AM, Lens said:

I believe that Google will likely try VR again. They've already shown interest with Google Cardboard and Daydream View. We know that Google Glasses wasn’t a success, but I still see that they're still working on AR technology.


I mean, VR and AR are the future so they'll definitely continue working on both.

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