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How do you decide which platform you will play each game on?

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I know you specified no exclusives, but availability is main factor. Most games will run better on my gaming laptop than on the consoles I own plus with it being a laptop there is a convivence factor, so given the choice I will play any said game on PC instead of a console. However, if it turns out a game is cheaper of has some additional content on a console port, I would consider that.

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Xbox is my main platform aslong it's avaible in physical format anything i can play on xbox i play on there. If it's an indie or smaller game and not avaible on xbox physically but on other platforms the physical option exist i'll just get it on switch. Playstation is just for exclusives. If it's a digital only affair i'll pass alltogether, unless it gets a big discount. When i think about it, can't really remember the last time i bought a digital only game as the last few i got trough bids for rewards or games with gold.


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Usually, I would buy it on Steam for my PC as I like modding my games with either aesthetic mods or difficulty-tuning mods. If I have the option to have more control over my games via PC mods, then I would usually just buy it on Steam.

But if there's some kind of exclusive content available only on other platforms, then I might buy it on other platforms. My FOMO is very high.

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For me it is more about what's available to me on said console. But, it also resorts back to what my friends own and play on. Sadly I don't really play with most of my close friends anymore. I mostly play on PC and with people I have worked with. Most of my friends are on Xbox, so I often go the Xbox route. But now that crossplay is happening more and more, I can now play with my friends more often, but I sadly don't. 

I usually go for PC these days because most of what I play is on PC and Xbox Game pass is more than enough otherwise. 

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I’m not a fan of Xbox, so that leaves me with PlayStation and Nintendo. I’m fine with that since I’m a big fan of both systems. Depending on the game availability can determine what I play it on. For example RDR2 isn’t on Switch. But it is on PlayStation. There are system exclusive’s. There are system features that make it a preference for me. So the game and what systems it’s on determine it for me.

With my dislike for Xbox doesn’t mean I won’t play on it. There’s a couple Xbox exclusive’s that I enjoy the hell out of. So the game in question determines what system I boot up.

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For me I have both an Xbox and a Nintendo Switch and I usually buy all games on Xbox if they are on Xbox to play. The only time I purchase any other game on another platform is if it's only on that platform, for example, with Nintendo Switch games such as Nintendo Switch Sports, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros are only available on that console so that is where my Nintendo Switch would come into play for games like that. I know you can play almost all games on either console I have but certain games, as much as they do play on the Nintendo Switch, the quality is never as good as it is on my Xbox such as Apex, Fortnite and even Overwatch so games like that get played on my Xbox. 

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Considering my first post was about modern systems, I want to reiterate that I'm a classic gamer. So there's a lot of games I play that are limited to those systems. I highly doubt we'll see Battletoads, Ghouls 'N Ghosts, or Conker's Bad Fur Day on any current gen systems. So my real interest lies in systems that predate PlayStation and Xbox.

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  On 9/30/2022 at 2:48 AM, killamch89 said:

PC just offers so many advantages especially when it comes to modding games. This helps you to enjoy your games for way longer and experience it in ways you wouldn't normally imagine is possible.


For the record, I do also own a Nintendo Switch that I thoroughly enjoy as well but I'm primarily a PC gamer.

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Of course exclusives are the first things I look for, but other than that if it's a game I really like and would want to play mods or even mod it, then I'll get the game on PC. Otherwise I'll just get the PS5 version since that's the only current gen console I own. (Other than the Switch of course.)

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The quality of the graphics of the game is the determinant. If I know that a game is going to be visually stunning, I'll go for my PC or PS5. But it's going to be my Switch or mobile if it's more of a casual game.

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