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If you were going to play esports for a living, what game would you focus on?

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Something I'm capable in, like COD, GTA V and a few other games. But the majority of games I probably wouldn't be able to compete in. But yeah, probably COD as I can do pretty decent if I'm with a group of friends. Solo I wouldn't do too well. 

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SplitGate, or more specifically one mode in SplitGate: Flying Splitball. My mate and I currently have a win streak of... 12 games, I want to say? And even though it's on the casual queue SplitGate has a very sweaty playerbase; the times we're both able to play at are where the die-hard premades lurk.

How about you @StaceyPowers? Any games you'd say "GG EZ" to on stage with a trophy in hand?

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- League of Legends

- Overwatch 

- Rocket League 

These are the list of esports games I would love to play as a career. Not that I'm too good, but at least my experience in the aforementioned games is somewhat good and I love playing them with my spare time. 

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On 8/21/2022 at 2:13 AM, StaceyPowers said:

If you were going to become a professional esports player, what game would you pick to play? Why would you choose it?

Honestly I would want some sort of MMORPG with a ranking system or COD style, not really into the toonish style shooters that are out now adays.

Do you have any esport players you like to watch?

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I would stick with CSGO as that's the only game that I tend to play more then others that I can be good at. I mean that's what I do and whatnot even that Simulators are my go to things 🙂 Not like there is a racing in airplanes event, like air racing Esports hahahaha

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On 8/20/2022 at 11:13 AM, StaceyPowers said:

If you were going to become a professional esports player, what game would you pick to play? Why would you choose it?

I'd prefer to play a little bit like Tom Brady (NFL) or Sam Fisher (Fictional Character from Splinter Cell 6: Blacklist). Tom is kind of like having a good manager or head coach who also has the athletic abilities to play on the field itself and still play at a high level. In Blacklist, Sam Fisher was the leader in charge of 4th Echelon, but was also it's most active field agent.


I'd rather own my own e-sports organization and be one of its main players dabbling in several genres, and if I don't feel like competing in a genre or game, I would delegate that process to other players.

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Probably racing games, so something like Gran Turismo that has a big e-sports base already, since it would make it easier to jump in rather than finding a smaller game/group that may not have anything e-sports set up yet.

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This is a no brainer for me because I really feel that with the amount I have played and with so much more practice I could do well in an Esports team with this game. That game is Overwatch. Unfortunately, I feel that if I was to do that and become part of an Esports team for Overwatch, my only downfall would be not being able to use my main which is Lucio, if I was able to use my main all the time as part of the team, I would be fine.

Call of Duty would be a close second for me when it comes to an Esports team as I have played a lot of Call of Duty and I feel being part of an Esports game for that would be pretty cool. My only issue with Call of Duty would be that I am kind of burned out on that game at the moment and because of that, this would not be my first choice over this and Overwatch.

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That's a great question to ask. As esports player, I would make sure to choose a game that aligns with my strengths and interests. I think I might have to focus on a strategic team-based game like League of Legends or Overwatch.


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