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What games ended up being weirder than you expected?

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Inside that came out in 2016 - like from start to finish this game is one big what the hell?! One of Silent Hill 2 Endings where a dog is shown to be the mastermind behind everything - I know it was a joke ending but it completely caught me off guard as a kid.

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Mount Your Friends is one that comes to mind. It was part of the Xbox 360 Indie Games marketplace, where people could make their own games and release them on Xbox. I remember having a blast playing this game with my friend years ago. The point of the game is to mount your friends by climing up and attaching to them. It's pretty simple, but can be challenging as in order to move, you have to press the corresponding buttons to move your players arms and legs. I think each leg and arm has a button you hold as you move. It's really fun and addicting. But it's really weird because you play as nearly nude dudes, and can even swing their junk lol. It's dumb, but honestly really fun to play with friends. I don't remember how many people can play at a time, but I can see this being fun with a few friends. 


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Final Fantasy 13.

There always seems to be this hype surrounding every FF release. It's as if the series carries an aura with it that must meet fans standards or else it's a failure. Personally, the game wasn't what I was expecting, but it had its strong points and weak points. To each their own though.

Final Fantasy hype always seems get deflated, then turns into anger after the game comes out because it wasn't 100% what people thought it'd be.

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The first game that comes to mind when it comes to weirdness in how it progressed would be Jett: The Far Shore. It's a beautiful open world game that tells its story in an abstract manner. It tells the game's story in a made up language which contains a bit of darkness. 

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I guess that would be the Sims simulator , I haven't been a fan of this simulator for a longer period but as I got into it I found out how weirdly Interesting it can be.

Playing as a character and using that character to live a normal daily life in the game world is quite intriguing.

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