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Anyone here watch Corridor Crew on YouTube?

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I really enjoy the Corridor Crew on YouTube. They're part the Corridor channel on YouTube. I mainly focus on their other channel, Corridor Crew, where they discuss CGI, animation, practical and visual affects, fun stuff like that. It's fun to see how some of the popular animated movies are made, or how CGI is implemented in a lot of the programming we see today. They also do a fun series called Stuntmen react, where they show off crazy scenes from movies where stuntmen did crazy stunts. 

If you're into movies and tv, and like how cgi, animation and all that jazz works, they are a great channel to check out for that type of stuff. They also like to compare cgi and animations from older movies and how it has changed over the years. He's one of their recent VFX Artists React to Bad & Good CGI:


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This sounds like a very interesting channel to me because I do animations myself (well 2D and whiteboard for now but getting into 3D). Ever since I've become an animator, my dislike of CGI when implented well has lessened. I used to hate seeing it in movies as a kid or even as a young adult.

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