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Lamarr the strelok

Horizon forbidden west questions

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I wasn't interested in the first Horizon game at first but I figured I'd give it a try when it was on Sony's PS now. It took about 5 minutes before I fell in love with Aloy. I'm thinking of getting forbidden west but was wondering if it's generally the same as the original.I had a couple problems with it though. It was sorta annoying when it wouldn't stop the action while changing weapons.I also found it pretty hard and I hate lowering the difficulty.And it sucked when trying to get to a camp fire to save the game. Even worse when there's a bunch of machines there that attack you before you can save it. So I'm sorta looking for opinions about the new game. Thanks for any replies.

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Mechanically, it is very similar to the first game. Some minor improvements and changes here and there, but the base mechanics are pretty much the same. The only thing that's changed considerably would be the mele combat, it's way more complex than it was in the first game with combo's, defence breaks and so on.


I will admit, a lot of things you didn't like I did. I like how the weapon wheal slows the action down while you select weapons and ammunition to keep you in the action but being fairer than forcing you to do it in real time and I only ever play the game on Ultra Hard these days. I found the requirement to reach campfires a firm, but fair fearure, so it didn't bother me. Becasue of that, take what I say with a grain of salt, but the headline is the two games play mostly the same.

Edited by Shagger
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Ya the more I think about it I think it's my problem by not having patience with it.Which is dumb because I really like the game.For example I've never used a tripcaster to tie down the machines.I sorta panic and start blasting them with my weapons.And I usually don't like melee in games but I like it in Horizon.

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  On 9/27/2022 at 7:23 PM, NightmareFarm said:

FW isn't going to remedy those issues. It's very similar to the original but it's harder and enemies are generally more aggressive. I don't think it paused the game when changing weapons unless you do it in the menu either. 


By harder, how would you rate it? Like if I played on Normal on the first game, on FW would it be like a level harder (ex; Hard)? Or even higher like Ultimate?

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  On 10/3/2022 at 3:42 AM, NightmareFarm said:

I'd say the next level above normal so hard. 


Lovely, I still have yet to get the game but almost done with my first play-through (so not a + mode) on Ultimate on the original + DLC expansion. Kinda pumped to see what their Ultimate experience is on the newer game then if it's that much more difficult. 

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  On 10/3/2022 at 4:21 AM, Syntax said:

Lovely, I still have yet to get the game but almost done with my first play-through (so not a + mode) on Ultimate on the original + DLC expansion. Kinda pumped to see what their Ultimate experience is on the newer game then if it's that much more difficult. 


I don't want to imagine lol. On Ultimate it must take like hours to take down some late game boss machines. 

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  On 10/3/2022 at 8:13 AM, NightmareFarm said:

I don't want to imagine lol. On Ultimate it must take like hours to take down some late game boss machines. 



It doesn't really extend the time it takes to take down the biggest machines by very, it just makes it more difficult.  Their more aggressive, do more damage, spot you from a further distance, the health bars are removed, stuff like that.  Weather you kill them or they kill you most fights are less than 5 minuets.

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  On 10/3/2022 at 10:16 AM, Crazycrab said:


It doesn't really extend the time it takes to take down the biggest machines by very, it just makes it more difficult.  Their more aggressive, do more damage, spot you from a further distance, the health bars are removed, stuff like that.  Weather you kill them or they kill you most fights are less than 5 minuets.


It does because they have more health on higher difficulties afaik. 

I remember fighting this corrupted thunderjaw on the ted faro island and I can say it definitely felt like 15 or so minutes trying to get it's health down. 

Edited by NightmareFarm
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I had a swell time with horizon zero Dawn when it was released but I am yet to purchase forbidden west though it's been out for some Months now.

Hopefully at the end of the month I would purchase the game, with reviews I have seen so far it's seems to be a lot like forbidden west with a few altercations to  the storyline.

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I played the first game horizon zero Dawn but I haven't gotten the sequel yet, lately I don't have much time to play video games so I just stick to games that I could play for just a few minutes and still enjoy as much.

I enjoyed the first game so I would definitely like to try out the sequel soon.

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  On 10/20/2022 at 5:13 PM, Lamarr the strelok said:

Thanks for all the replies. Crap I don't think I'll get the new game. Reviews do say it's harder than the first game.And for me even on the easiest difficulty setting it still was still difficult in some places.If games have an easy setting make the fucking game easy.


That's the case with some soul game and action and adventure video game.

In my opinion forbidden west wasn't too difficult though I Know it varies depending on an individual interest and perception I could still comfortably get past each part of the game.

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Yep that's it.If games seem too hard we have to measure that against how much fun the game is. When I first started the STALKER games I died a lot but the game was so fun I stuck with it. Forbidden west seems hard but the game  doesn't seem fun enough to stick with it. Which sucks because Aloy is an awesome character.

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