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What will VR be like in the future?

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VR is going to continue to improve as we get into new generations of video games. How good is VR going to get?

Do you think we'll ever get to a point where we'll live in VR? And not like wearing just a headset, but full immersion. So maybe a bed, sensors on the body etc. Whatever it takes to make it feel like you're in a virtual world. 

Or it could be like in Assassin's Creed, where you can essentially chill in a chamber and can control another person. 

Do you think full immersion VR will ever be a reality?

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I think if AIs progress to the point of appearing to have their own lives and simulate meaningful conversations with expressive VR avatars a lot of people will feel like these relationships are real.

Hell I've seen people treat Furbys and Tamagotchis like they are real pets.

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On 9/30/2022 at 1:31 AM, Demon_skeith said:

Something along the lines of the SAO anime series, and whatever it is, it ends up being easier on the eyes.

I can't say I've heard of that, can you explain what it's about? Maybe that'll clear it up a bit for me. 

2 hours ago, Empire said:

I think if AIs progress to the point of appearing to have their own lives and simulate meaningful conversations with expressive VR avatars a lot of people will feel like these relationships are real.

Hell I've seen people treat Furbys and Tamagotchis like they are real pets.

That would be an interesting future, but I don't see AI getting to a point of feeling real enough. Maybe via a text chat or something like that, but I can't see AI landing realistic human connection, conversation, emotions etc. I think AI can learn things, but I don't think AI will learn to feel or anything like that. But, maybe I'm wrong. 

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I cannot wait to see what happens with VR! I mean right now it's already looking pretty awesome, in my opinion. By the time my kids have kids who knows what it will be like. But I am sure it will be more realistic than it already is. 

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11 minutes ago, AJH said:

I cannot wait to see what happens with VR! I mean right now it's already looking pretty awesome, in my opinion. By the time my kids have kids who knows what it will be like. But I am sure it will be more realistic than it already is. 

I just hope it will stay another 100 years. Because, I want to play together around VR with my grand children till then 😂

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14 hours ago, Kane99 said:

I can't say I've heard of that, can you explain what it's about? Maybe that'll clear it up a bit for me. 

SAO = Sword Art Online, is a series where people put a helmet over their heads, lay down in bed and they are fully placed into a game space.

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Having seen where VR is now and how much it's progressed over the years, I can only imagine where they will take it in the near future. Technology has evolved so much over the years and we are seeing things I never thought I would see now and had you asked me 20 years ago if we would see things we do now in technology I would have laughed and said no. In terms of how I feel it would be in years to come I really couldn't say but if we go by how other things have evolved I would imagine we would see it being a lot more better than it is now. It is going to be exciting to see it evolve over the years. 

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21 hours ago, Shortie said:

Having seen where VR is now and how much it's progressed over the years, I can only imagine where they will take it in the near future. Technology has evolved so much over the years and we are seeing things I never thought I would see now and had you asked me 20 years ago if we would see things we do now in technology I would have laughed and said no. In terms of how I feel it would be in years to come I really couldn't say but if we go by how other things have evolved I would imagine we would see it being a lot more better than it is now. It is going to be exciting to see it evolve over the years. 

Yeah the rate we progress with tech is pretty remarkable. Just to think, almost like 30 years ago we had the Virtual Boy from Nintendo, and now we are at a point where VR is getting even more realistic. It's just crazy how far we have come with tech from the 80s/90s and onward. 

I think we'll see more devices that you can wear to help immerse yourself in the game even more. There's already suits you can wear that provide feeling towards the game. And of course that Omni device you can buy that lets you walk freely in VR. Eventually they will make a suit that can do just about everything. 

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Just like those blackmarket braindances in Cyberpunk 2077, VR will have illegal or banned VR content like how it feels to murder and all that. There will be groupie sex clubs with body suits because everyone will fear std's and pregnancy. Women can find freedom in VR romance since they will be slaves in real life. 

It also depends on how invasive you allow VR to be because no doubt they will take it as far as it can go. Wire it to your brain? Spinal cord? Skin nodes to detect blood pressure, sweat, heat? IV to check hormone levels? They can take it anywhere if VR has access to your physiology. 

It could be combined with augmented reality so that the actual real world is mixed with gameplay and you can finally slap your spouse (😄). Or hang with your pet once again. 

You could have social activities with your friends right at home. Play a basketball game on a mountain top. Or play Blitzball from FFX. 

There could be VR clubs that have zero gravity rooms and you seriously would be floating while being in your VR game. Even have machines hooked to you so as to help you fly around. And even swimming areas with you attached to scuba gear. Or have real haunted houses as a set up for the game while you traverse with your VR gear on. You could slip in fake blood, feel the intestines of a body. Have a maniac with a chainsaw chase you while you actually physically stumble through walls, but the maniac is in VR, but augmented so it's all so real. 

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On 12/15/2022 at 3:22 PM, Kane99 said:

Yeah the rate we progress with tech is pretty remarkable. Just to think, almost like 30 years ago we had the Virtual Boy from Nintendo, and now we are at a point where VR is getting even more realistic. It's just crazy how far we have come with tech from the 80s/90s and onward. 

I think we'll see more devices that you can wear to help immerse yourself in the game even more. There's already suits you can wear that provide feeling towards the game. And of course that Omni device you can buy that lets you walk freely in VR. Eventually they will make a suit that can do just about everything. 

VR will be even way more immersive and we probably won't need those humongous headsets. Also, I think it'll be far less taxing on you as I've tried out a VR headset myself and after an hour, I started to feel kind of disoriented and nauseous.

On 12/15/2022 at 5:01 PM, Reality vs Adventure said:

Just like those blackmarket braindances in Cyberpunk 2077, VR will have illegal or banned VR content like how it feels to murder and all that. There will be groupie sex clubs with body suits because everyone will fear std's and pregnancy. Women can find freedom in VR romance since they will be slaves in real life. 

It also depends on how invasive you allow VR to be because no doubt they will take it as far as it can go. Wire it to your brain? Spinal cord? Skin nodes to detect blood pressure, sweat, heat? IV to check hormone levels? They can take it anywhere if VR has access to your physiology. 

It could be combined with augmented reality so that the actual real world is mixed with gameplay and you can finally slap your spouse (😄). Or hang with your pet once again. 

You could have social activities with your friends right at home. Play a basketball game on a mountain top. Or play Blitzball from FFX. 

There could be VR clubs that have zero gravity rooms and you seriously would be floating while being in your VR game. Even have machines hooked to you so as to help you fly around. And even swimming areas with you attached to scuba gear. Or have real haunted houses as a set up for the game while you traverse with your VR gear on. You could slip in fake blood, feel the intestines of a body. Have a maniac with a chainsaw chase you while you actually physically stumble through walls, but the maniac is in VR, but augmented so it's all so real. 

You've definitely been playing/watching too much Cyberpunk 2077. You're right, there might be banned VR content but I'm not sure about the rest.

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On 5/2/2023 at 7:40 PM, killamch89 said:

VR will be even way more immersive and we probably won't need those humongous headsets. Also, I think it'll be far less taxing on you as I've tried out a VR headset myself and after an hour, I started to feel kind of disoriented and nauseous.

You've definitely been playing/watching too much Cyberpunk 2077. You're right, there might be banned VR content but I'm not sure about the rest.

I completely agree with you. The VR will be very immersive in the future and with advancements in technology, it’ll lead to more comfortable experiences. 


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On 8/21/2024 at 5:35 AM, Lens said:

I completely agree with you. The VR will be very immersive in the future and with advancements in technology, it’ll lead to more comfortable experiences. 


Definitely. It'll be a integral part of our future as a way to interact with the Internet and the various digital platforms.

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