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Do you wanna pay $70 for Skyrim? F**K Nintendo!

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Well here's some Nintendo Switch related bullshit to brighten up your day:




In case your not aware the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim is basically the same as the Special Edition except it's got The Creation Club content included.  Creation Club is where you go to pay money for user created mods instead of going to Nexus Mods to get far superior content for free because.... your a jackass. The Anniversary Edition is something like £15/$20 upgrade or £43/$50 full purchase on PC Steam for this over a decade old game and it's almost universally agreed by Stream users that this clearly not worth it.  Yet not only is it $70 on the Nintendo Switch, as as I can tell there's no option to upgrade either!  It's the full whack $69.99 even if you own the Special Edition already.


I genuinely don't understand how Nintendo keep getting away with charging such a premium which has happened multiple times.  Why are games so expensive on the Switch when in many cases the ports are inferior?  This is ridiculous.

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Yeah, it's not worth it. I already don't like most Nintendo games like Zelda and Mario since I didn't grow up with them, so Nintendo's giving me fewer reasons to support their products with this BS.

"PC Master Race" is usually used ironically as a joke, but in this case, it really shows why people like me prefer the PC version, and why the PC platform just shouts "customization" with custom-built PCs and custom PC mods.

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  On 9/30/2022 at 9:46 AM, Crazycrab said:

Well here's some Nintendo Switch related bullshit to brighten up your day:




In case your not aware the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim is basically the same as the Special Edition except it's got The Creation Club content included.  Creation Club is where you go to pay money for user created mods instead of going to Nexus Mods to get far superior content for free because.... your a jackass. The Anniversary Edition is something like £15/$20 upgrade or £43/$50 full purchase on PC Steam for this over a decade old game and it's almost universally agreed by Stream users that this clearly not worth it.  Yet not only is it $70 on the Nintendo Switch, as as I can tell there's no option to upgrade either!  It's the full whack $69.99 even if you own the Special Edition already.


I genuinely don't understand how Nintendo keep getting away with charging such a premium which has happened multiple times.  Why are games so expensive on the Switch when in many cases the ports are inferior?  This is ridiculous.


Well... Its been how the run since the start of time... They understand that people will pay and with inflation over the last 20 years they can just keep increasing the pricing of the games until their model doesnt work... Then magically.. magically they will find a way to sell things for a 3rd of the price and justify the last 30 years due to lack of "technological innovation that allows this price"


It hurts and is the main reason I quit playing console games at all and just focused on MMORPGS/AARPGS, but then again its the reason I quit playing World of Warcraft because the expansion costs became braindead.

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The only thing that Skyrim on Switch had going for it was the fact that you could play it on the go as a portable version of the game, and the most critical word in that sentence was "had", as in past tense. With the emergence of portable gaming PC's like the Aya Neo and the Steam Deck, these ports on Switch don't really have that going for them anymore. So somebody at Nintendo and/or Bethesda thought it would be great idea to make the Switch port even less appealing than it already was by jacking up the price? 



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  On 9/30/2022 at 10:16 AM, Akun said:

"PC Master Race" is usually used ironically as a joke, but in this case, it really shows why people like me prefer the PC version, and why the PC platform just shouts "customization" with custom-built PCs and custom PC mods.



"PC Master Race" isn't a joke, it's the mating call of insecure fanboys who don't even realise that they're comparing themselves to Nazi's. I hate that term with a passion. Do PC players like being called basement dwellers? No, so why should console players put up with that "joke"? Honestly, I'd avoid that term on VGR.

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  On 9/30/2022 at 3:58 PM, Shagger said:


"PC Master Race" isn't a joke, it's the mating call of insecure fanboys who don't even realise that they're comparing themselves to Nazi's. I hate that term with a passion. Do PC players like being called basement dwellers? No, so why should console players put up with that "joke"? Honestly, I'd avoid that term on VGR.


Words are fickle and could have different meanings depending on the context they were used (things become particularly subjective in the context of a joke), but sure, if it triggers you so much. I'll stop using it.

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  On 9/30/2022 at 5:49 PM, Akun said:

Words are fickle and could have different meanings depending on the context they were used (things become particularly subjective in the context of a joke), but sure, if it triggers you so much. I'll stop using it.



I didn't just ask that for my sake, I'm not the only one who really hates that. Still, I appreciate that, so thank you.


I want you to understand something though. It's not just the term and what it means in history that bothers me. As a PC gamer, I find the idea that we are somehow better than other gamers just because of a platform presence abhorrent and fundamentally wrong, and there's a reason. I was once part of a forum and gaming community that was about gamers grouping up and organizing with each other to play games together, but at first they absolutely refused to support those of people played on console and excluded them. Whenever we tried to organise our own game nights on console, they shut us down. Even on cross platform games they set the rules up in such a way that we could not join in. So you see, I'm not just being some "snowflake", "PC Master Race" is an attack of the very principles I hold as a gamer. None of the arrogance and elitism that some PC gamers feel is justified and just like how me and a few others refused to let to let it be acceptable back then, I refuse to let it be acceptable now.


Anyway, rant over. Once again, thank you for being cool about this.

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  On 9/30/2022 at 9:51 PM, Shagger said:

I want you to understand something though. It's not just the term and what it means in history that bothers me. As a PC gamer, I find the idea that we are somehow better than other gamers just because of a platform presence abhorrent and fundamentally wrong, and there's a reason. I was once part of a forum and gaming community that was about gamers grouping up and organizing with each other to play games together, but at first they absolutely refused to support those of people played on console and excluded them. Whenever we tried to organise our own game nights on console, they shut us down. Even on cross platform games they set the rules up in such a way that we could not join in. So you see, I'm not just being some "snowflake", "PC Master Race" is an attack of the very principles I hold as a gamer. None of the arrogance and elitism that some PC gamers feel is justified and just like how me and a few others refused to let to let it be acceptable back then, I refuse to let it be acceptable now.


I could understand that.

To be clear, I hate elitism in all things, but particularly in gaming as well. I hate being called a "casual gamer" just because I don't enjoy the AAA games most people enjoy, for example.

But I think where I was coming from with the "Master Race" thing was that I wasn't intentionally using it in the elitist way. I get what you're saying, and I get that it is associated with elitism, but I feel like a lot of words (where the meaning isn't as obvious as blatantly offensive words like Nazi and the other n-word) are thrown around on the Internet in an ironic but humorous fashion that the original definition of such words become blurred, and oftentimes, I get called out for being too sensitive when they're "just joking around," so the "proper etiquette" for behaving towards such ambiguous usage of words just becomes confusing. "Git gud" is one such term where it can be interpreted as a mocking kind of term to ridicule people who aren't good at games, and yet people have criticized me for getting sensitive about it, saying "it's just a joke and no one really use it unironically," so I just don't even know what the proper standards are. I'll still refrain from using it, but I wanted to explain where I'm coming from and how I was influenced into using such loaded words in such a frivolous fashion.

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Getting back to topic, Nintendo can charge these prices due to brand loyalty. There are loyalists for every gaming platform, and they’re not willing to give other platforms a chance. Nintendo has the biggest amount of loyalists simply because it has been around so much longer. Those of us who grew up on Nintendo, tend to (at the very least) prefer Nintendo. I started out gaming on Atari 2600 and Colecovision. When the NES hit the market in 1985, I desperately wanted one. Ever since then I’ve mainly been a fan. Especially for some of their exclusive’s like the Zelda franchise. All that said, they can jack up the prices however high they want, and people will pay it. It’s a sad fact of corporate greed. They know they can get away with gouging consumers, so they see no reason not to.

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I have a feeling that the folks at Nintendo didn't really care much for whether the game would sell well or not, because I just can't see how the marketing team or the sales department looked at the release price and thought it's a great idea. It makes even more sense when you realize that Skyrim isn't a Nintendo game, and when you look at most third-party games on Nintendo platforms, you could tell Nintendo doesn't really put in effort in marketing them well. Now, if this was a Mario or Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, the content included will be much more rich and worth the price. Probably.

Then again, Bethesda didn't have the best record when it comes to having a fair price for their games either. They've been getting greedier ever since Fallout 76, so I wouldn't be surprised if this genius move came from them and Nintendo just shrugged and said "It's your funeral."

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Another thing, is a mental game. All too often, people think that price equals quality. If one game is $30, and another game is $70, they think the $70 game is better than the $30 game. That's not true at all. Maybe the $70 is more popular, but the $30 game is hands down better in the eyes of the gaming community. Still they go for the most expensive because they trust the developers, when we all know is a fools errand.

It's ignorance, gullibility, stupidity, and being easily manipulated, all rolled into one gamer. And it's done over and over and over again.

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Actually from what I've been reading the price of the games is based on popularity. Nintendo gamers aren't stupid. I pd. for both a physical and digital copy of Animal Crossing New Horizons because of the fact that I had two Switches and wanted both because I love the game that much. I can get the digital copy out and make a 2nd island on the other Switch. I have also found that many of the games no matter what the price just flat out suck a**. Also Nintendo has lots of games that go on sale after a while. If you're willing to wait I'm sure eventually the stuff will go down in price. There's also free to play games available on Switch and they keep adding more. I stick with the standard editions and don't buy deluxe or anniversary or any other special editions because that's when the price gets jacked up.


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As for me, it's a big NO at the moment. I know Skyrim is an enticing game, many can splash that cash over the game since it poses real actions in-game. I can only afford few games at the moment, and not more than $50, maybe when I get a PS5, I can afford spending that 70$, but not on Skyrim, since it isn't one of my favourite games. 

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