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The worst job

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Handing out leaflets from block to block. I'm really not physically fit and handing them out fast to every single apartment everyday just isn't suitable for me. I prefer an office job (or at least just standing on a street corner and hand these things out without moving).

I've also worked McDonald's once. Quit after a day because the boss was a hardass. lol I don't really mind the dishwashing or even taking out the trash, but being pressured on the first day of my job wasn't something I was comfortable with, even as a teenager. My parents dished out enough verbal punishments on that front at home.

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I would say it's a tie between two. Loading trucks and working as a coin clerk at a bank. The trucks was so bad because everyone there was an asshole and targeted me specifically. They would jump up out of nowhere to scare the shit out of me. They did that until I broke a broom handle across one guys face. At the bank, everyone had a holier-than-thou attitude. They actually started a rumor that I don't bathe in order to get me to quit. They talked shit behind my back and treated me like I was a fucking moron. When I quit, they stole $1400 from my account, and then after that put my account into the hole, THEY EXPECTED ME TO PAY IT BACK.

I hated them, and I hated the jobs.

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Hmmm - I remember being a sales representative for a major mobile company one summer and we went to a rural area for about a week. It was a bizarre experience as trying to communicate with these people was quite tricky as their version of our dialect was so drastically different and their English was pretty poor. Somehow, we managed to sell all the phones we had. To top it all off, there was no KFC or Fast Food places for that matter to get any food...

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  On 10/27/2022 at 5:16 AM, Demon_skeith said:

I'd say retail but call center is even more degrading, though I guess they are both worst in their own way.


I've worked in a call center before my stint with the government and it almost reminds me of the description of a modern slave plantation. I remember a girl literally working herself to death...

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