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Multiplayer horror games?

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Now I'm stuck - I have a weekend gaming session planned out for a few of my friends and since we already have two TV's and two consoles I was hoping we could play horror games on one while others could play some shooter games on the other.

I need ideas for some multiplayer horror games I could purchase.

I personally like the evil within but i'm not sure it has any multiplayer player feature.

Which would you recommend for  me or any other member who might need your suggestions.

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Can't go wrong with the likes of Left 4 Dead. I play that with friends from time to time. 

I also hear the new Outlast game is coop, but I don't know when it comes out. I think they're doing an open beta right now, so that may be a good thing to check out. 

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  On 11/1/2022 at 2:47 PM, Kane99 said:

Left 4 Dead


I didn't think about this one, I wasn't aware it had a multi player feature and the only games that came to mind was the quarry but I already played that a while back and needed something new.

I would check out for left 4 death and see if it gonna be perfect for the evening.

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  On 11/2/2022 at 11:46 AM, Empire said:



Titles like this always catches my attention and I would check out for this game and see what it's like.

My only hesitation right now is that it's a pc game and I was looking for something Available in PlayStation or Xbox console , but either ways the game has to be worth playing from what I read about it.

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  On 11/1/2022 at 2:47 PM, Kane99 said:

Can't go wrong with the likes of Left 4 Dead. I play that with friends from time to time. 

I also hear the new Outlast game is coop, but I don't know when it comes out. I think they're doing an open beta right now, so that may be a good thing to check out. 


10/10, probably the best multiplayer horror related game out there that still stands this day in terms of gameplay in my eyes.

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  On 11/3/2022 at 4:30 AM, Justin11 said:

Titles like this always catches my attention and I would check out for this game and see what it's like.


HAve you seen there new release then LOL 

I have played it but you really need friends to play with that's what it comes too, and also people who does have it keeps saying nope they do not want to get into the game 😛 

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  On 11/4/2022 at 11:55 AM, Empire said:

HAve you seen there new release then LOL 

I have played it but you really need friends to play with that's what it comes too, and also people who does have it keeps saying nope they do not want to get into the game 😛 


I was able to get left 4 dead and play with my friends which was a really good experience though.

I couldn't get phasmophabia over the weekend as I thought I would but I kept it in mind and would definitely try it out too.

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  On 11/7/2022 at 9:27 PM, Justin11 said:

I was able to get left 4 dead and play with my friends which was a really good experience though.


Great game, even with other people just for the sake of playing it 😉 I have Left 4 Dead 2 also and all the simpers edtion of that game. Zombie style hehehehehe

  On 11/7/2022 at 9:27 PM, Justin11 said:

I couldn't get phasmophabia over the weekend as I thought I would but I kept it in mind and would definitely try it out too.


Can get it real cheap when the sales are around

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  On 11/2/2022 at 11:46 AM, Empire said:

Friday the 13th


I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this. The game was dropped by the developers due to licensing issues and it no longer has any official servers. There is online play with peer-to-peer matchmaking but I would be surprised if this game even has a remotely active player base. Dead by Daylight would be the far superior option to go for over this game both in terms of content, player base, support, and value.

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  On 11/9/2022 at 4:40 PM, Moonface said:

I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this. The game was dropped by the developers due to licensing issues and it no longer has any official servers. There is online play with peer-to-peer matchmaking but I would be surprised if this game even has a remotely active player base. Dead by Daylight would be the far superior option to go for over this game both in terms of content, player base, support, and value.


Yup, which is why I'd recommend Dead by Daylight or Friday The 13th's spiritual successor in the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game (it's made by the same team behind Friday the 13th), and shares a lot of similarities with Friday the 13th. As well, I'd recommend the new Evil Dead game, as I hear that too is pretty damn good. 🙂 


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  On 11/9/2022 at 4:40 PM, Moonface said:

I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this. The game was dropped by the developers due to licensing issues and it no longer has any official servers. There is online play with peer-to-peer matchmaking but I would be surprised if this game even has a remotely active player base. Dead by Daylight would be the far superior option to go for over this game both in terms of content, player base, support, and value.


It's not everyone's game but edn of the day people do like the game

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  On 11/9/2022 at 4:40 PM, Moonface said:

I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this. The game was dropped by the developers due to licensing issues and it no longer has any official servers. There is online play with peer-to-peer matchmaking but I would be surprised if this game even has a remotely active player base. Dead by Daylight would be the far superior option to go for over this game both in terms of content, player base, support, and value.


I actually didn't Know anything about Friday the 13th up until now.

I was going to check it out earlier but your reviewed has saved me see if that effort.

I did play dead by daylight over the course of the week and it was fun.

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