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Bad advice

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I think "Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" is pretty bad advice.

More often than not, it ends up as "Find a job you love, and you will soon hate something you once loved" 😞 .

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On 11/29/2022 at 11:46 AM, DC said:

Obtaining relationship advice from someone outside of said relationship.

I agree - all these single dating coaches giving "advice" about marriage when they've never been in one or have been divorced. I used to have this old female supervisor that tried giving other young ladies advice about relationships when she couldn't even get a man if her life depended on it. She tried involving me in her conversation once and the first thing I asked was why should anyone listen to her when she can't even get a man? That's like me asking the meth head in the parking lot how to be a Customs Officer. Needless to say, that's the last time she ever started a convo like that while I was around.

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As much as some advice can really help, I have definitely had my fair share of bad advice. 

Being I was quite a young mum and had my first child just before I was 18, many tried to give me advice on why it was bad, why I will have ruined my life and such but now that my eldest is an adult and my second is also an adult with my other two only a few years behind and me only being 37 now, I look back and think it wasn't that much of a bad thing and any advice I received that tried to make me feel as though I had done wrong, was very much bad advice. 

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