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Microsoft to raise prices of future Xbox Series X/S games to $70

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Well I figured it was going to happen sooner or later. Microsoft plan to start charging $70 for their new exclusives that are dropping on the Xbox Series X/S consoles. It's said to be starting with the release of such games as Forza Motorsport, Redfall, and Starfield in 2023. 

Kinda figured more companies would jump on the $70 price bandwagon, and Microsoft is the next to join. 


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This isn't too big of a deal, honestly, PS5 games are already at $70, so i'm used to paying $70 normally, now. This isn't too big of an issue for me personally, but I can see where it can be a problem for some going forward.

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Its not shocking that it happened but considering their quality of their first party titles being mediocre ill pass until a sale or I get gamepass. Last 3A game I played that might be worth paying $70 for was Elden Ring, and that was $60. Unfortunately though, enough people will pay $70 for half-baked bullshit that they'll keep it going. Gaming is an addiction for a lot of people, and those people will very likely pay the money anyway, just to get their fix on "the new thing".

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  On 12/5/2022 at 11:51 PM, Shagger said:

Disappointed, but not surprised. There was no way Microsoft weren't going to follow suit sooner or later. Not that I'm in any way condoning Sony (An I'm fairly sure Nintendo) doing this, but this was inevitable.


Yeah I figured it would be too. With how many studios are doing it now, it kinda makes sense, but sucks. 

But, I think Gamepass will make that a bit better, I'll just stick to using gamepass. No worries there about paying $70. I don't think I purchased a $70 game yet. 

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If it's an exclusive then it makes sense to put a price on your pride. The problem is making more and more games exclusive so that you feel justified to raise the prices. Then you have a cold war between Sony and Microsoft making a bunch of high priced exclusives to drive people to their own console. And developers/publishers will get caught in the cold war by being coerced to publish their game on one console as they get offered a contract and the Indie publishers low on cash will be greatly influenced to publish on one console. That's just speculation, but if it's legal, why wouldn't they? It's not like corporations are held in check by integrity. 

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This is not a huge surprise for me to be honest as I kind of expected that Microsoft would jump on the price increase as other companies have done. I guess the one thing will Microsoft is they have the Game Pass option in which some new games will come on there to play day 1 in most cases for a subscription fee each month and again that is their way of making gaming inclusive for everyone so it's a choose for the gamer whether they want to pay the hefty $70 or whether they would rather go the subscription route. 

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