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How much are you willing to pay for remasters and remakes?

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Depends on the game and how long it was before they got a remaster/remake. If it's an older game, I'm more accepting to a higher price, because I think it's fine to remake something that's 10+ years old. But when it was just released a couple years ago, and they're trying to get full price on a simple re-skin, then nah. 

I think most remasters should go for around $30. If it's just a re-skin especially. But if it's a remake of a game, I could say maybe $50-$60 or so. At this point we'll probably see it hit $70. But a remake makes sense to pay more since it's not the same game with a re-skin. They add more to it, update it, change the controls, character models, animations etc. That's when I can see reason to paying more than $30. 

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For me it really depends on the game in question that has been remastered or remade, how much I enjoyed it after it was first released and whether I feel it would be worth purchasing it again. If it was a game I really enjoyed and I had already paid money for the first release I would love for it to be a free upgrade but unfortunately, I don't think any developers would offer and upgrade for free so if it really came down to it and I wanted to own a remaster or remake, I would wait until it had a price drop and try and get it for around $25 or less. 

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It depends on a few things for me. First, how old was the original game? The Last of Us for example got a "remake" yet the original isn't even a decade old yet, so I wouldn't spend any money on that because to me it didn't need to be remade in the first place. Dead Space on the other hand will be worth $70 to me easily because it not only looks like a worthwhile remake, but it also adds in a ton of stuff the original didn't have so I'm not just playing the same game again but with better visuals since the entire experience has been overhauled.

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Depends on the game and what publisher. If its a Nintendo game I wont wait that long. Same with Capcom and Square Enix who are known to not really give their games big discounts. But if its like a Ubisoft game which like goes more than half after a year and more the year after then sure even up to 80 percent if it would go that low

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2 minutes ago, GameOn said:

For me, it's more about the value the video game added. I'd pay up to $40 for a remaster with significant performance upgrades, but only if it's a game that I love to play and only if the changes enhance the overall experience 

That's a very sensible answer. I'm definitely not paying $60 for a remaster even if I loved the original game. I'll just wait until a deal comes about or the price drops.

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