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Games you can't die in

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Simcity 4 is one of the most relaxing game i've played. Technically you can lose when you go bankrupt, but it is very easy to avoid. Also, it has smooth jazz tracks as background music. Played a recent example of this, bought and reviewed Waking Mars for PC. Lovey relaxing 2D adventure, platformer, has nothing in the sense of intense action but just a curious, serene experience if anything.

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Animal Crossing New Horizons springs to mind when you say a game you can not die in. In Animal Crossing you can't really die. You can go missing on an island and need help getting back or you can get stung my bee's, stung by a scorpion or bitten by a spider but you then get taken home to recover and get any medicine needed to recover from that but you do not die in the game at all. 

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