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Which game release was the biggest letdown?

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Final Fantasy XIII for me.  I fully expected the first Final Fantasy on PS3 to blow me away just like it did on the PS2 with Final Fantasy X, but it was such a let-down.  It's certainly not the worst game I've ever player played but when comparing what I expected to what I got it was definitely the biggest disappointment.


Dishonourable mentions:  No Mans Sky, Middle: Earth Shadow of Mordor, Burnout Paradise, Devil May Cry 2.

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Fallout 76. As someone who loves 3 4 and nv, 76 seemed like the promised land, a game style i would love while also messing around and doing things with friends at the same time kind of thing that went down the toilet bc of how it was handled. Honestly, remove “fallout 76” and this situation would apply to many now a days i suppose.

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I think Cyberpunk 2077, mainly due to fact they promised so much and yet didn't really deliver on any of it. We were promised these living, breathing worlds, but all we got was a sparse world with not much going for it. I still haven't even finished the story mode, I just got bored with the game at some point and peaced out. I may eventually get back into it, but I don't know when that day will come. 

Other than that, maybe State of Decay 2. That game turned out to be a major letdown for me. Bugs killed the experience, and otherwise it was just a chore to play at times. 

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LittleBigPlanet 3. Compared to 2 it's a downgrade in just about every way, and it was also riddled with problems that are still present today. It being the sequel to my favourite game of all time made me have high hopes for it, and instead it came close to killing the entire franchise. Although that wasn't the case due to Sackboy: A Big Adventure, I do think it put the nail in the coffin for another LittleBigPlanet title which I think is a huge shame. Especially since Dreams has utterly failed at filling the void if you ask me.

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The one game I can think of that I jumped on when it was released and it never really took off and I just stopped playing it after a short while was Sunset Overdrive. I remember seeing trailers on it prior to its' release and thinking how good a game it would be to play and even jumped on it on day one. I now regret that because I barely played it and id didn't seem to be a hit I thought it was going to be. 

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I would have to say Zelda on Switch. Both Links Awakening and BOTW. I say Links Awakening because after playing it on Game Boy for so long, the changes and alterations were a lot less than I was expecting. With BOTW, everything about it. I refuse to play Zelda on Game Cube because it's nothing but a damn cartoon. Which unless the game is supposed to be a cartoon (Cuphead for example) then don't make it one. Which is unfortunately one feature of BOTW.  Also the gameplay is bullshit. Weapons breaking after about 5 hits is one major turnoff as well for me. I have tried and tried to get into it, but after about 20 minutes I have to quit. It's like winning the lottery, but only getting a dollar a week.

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In recent years? Probably Saints Row 2022.  This game was so hyped up. It reviewed very poorly and just seemed very repetitive and lackluster when it came out. I haven't even bought the game, I plan on picking it up when it's ~$20, but we'll see. I do enjoy the Saints games, but this newest one, a lot of people I know say to not bother. With the price of everything going up, I have to be super selective over what games I buy at launch and which I wait for big sales for.

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  On 12/12/2022 at 7:24 PM, Kane99 said:

I think Cyberpunk 2077, mainly due to fact they promised so much and yet didn't really deliver on any of it. We were promised these living, breathing worlds, but all we got was a sparse world with not much going for it. I still haven't even finished the story mode, I just got bored with the game at some point and peaced out. I may eventually get back into it, but I don't know when that day will come. 

Other than that, maybe State of Decay 2. That game turned out to be a major letdown for me. Bugs killed the experience, and otherwise it was just a chore to play at times. 


Same - I was so hyped for Cyberpunk 2077 and it totally flopped. It's a good thing I didn't pre-order it - I was so hyped for it due to CDPR's prior track record but what we got was crap ton of bugs and glitches that two and a half years to even iron out. And then you had the hacking incidents as well...

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  On 12/16/2022 at 1:33 AM, Smokey said:

In recent years? Probably Saints Row 2022.  This game was so hyped up. It reviewed very poorly and just seemed very repetitive and lackluster when it came out. I haven't even bought the game, I plan on picking it up when it's ~$20, but we'll see. I do enjoy the Saints games, but this newest one, a lot of people I know say to not bother. With the price of everything going up, I have to be super selective over what games I buy at launch and which I wait for big sales for.


I just started playing Saints Row, without an update downloaded, just fresh from the package and I'm not sure why Saints Row would have bad reviews because

I'M LOVIN IT!!!!!!!!!

It's awesome! It still has that off the wall sense of humor, great action, great scenery, and I haven't come across any bug issues at all. I wouldn't listen to reviews if I were you. I had my expectations low because everyone dogged the game. But I just don't think they know what they are talking about. My personal opinion, fun as hell!!!

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Civilization: Beyond Earth was quite a let-down for me. 

I'd always enjoyed Civilization V, and I'd heard good things about Alpha Centauri - so, when I heard there was going to be a modern sci-fi-based Civilization game, I hoped it would combine the best bits of those two games. Unfortunately, it didn't really do that: it didn't depart too much from the Civ 5 formula; the sci-fi elements were pretty shallow; and the game itself was very unbalanced (trade route spam was the way to win).

To be fair, things did get better: a series of patches fixed the balance issues, and then the [i]Rising Tide[/i] expansion helped it to feel more like its own game. But by that point, it was too late: most of the player base had abandoned it, and there were no further expansions.

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  On 12/19/2022 at 9:30 PM, killamch89 said:

Same - I was so hyped for Cyberpunk 2077 and it totally flopped. It's a good thing I didn't pre-order it - I was so hyped for it due to CDPR's prior track record but what we got was crap ton of bugs and glitches that two and a half years to even iron out. And then you had the hacking incidents as well...


It had so much hype, I don't get how they failed it. Shouldn't just done another delay and waited until the game was fully ready. 

Also another game that comes to mind for me as a major letdown would probably be WCW Mayhem on the PS1. I remember getting it for my birthday one year and I remember the copy I got wasn't working properly, so my dad had to run it back to the store to get a replacement. But, it didn't help much as the game was kind of crap. I forced myself to enjoy it, but I didn't. 

Thank god I didn't buy the sequel Backstage Assault, as I remember renting it and hating every minute of it. I know the game is titled Backstage Assault. But I was expecting to at least be able to go to the wrestling ring and fight, but nope, they were true to the name and if I remember correctly, they only had backstage areas, hence the name Backstage Assault. 

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  On 3/6/2023 at 6:14 PM, Kane99 said:

It had so much hype, I don't get how they failed it. Shouldn't just done another delay and waited until the game was fully ready. 

Also another game that comes to mind for me as a major letdown would probably be WCW Mayhem on the PS1. I remember getting it for my birthday one year and I remember the copy I got wasn't working properly, so my dad had to run it back to the store to get a replacement. But, it didn't help much as the game was kind of crap. I forced myself to enjoy it, but I didn't. 

Thank god I didn't buy the sequel Backstage Assault, as I remember renting it and hating every minute of it. I know the game is titled Backstage Assault. But I was expecting to at least be able to go to the wrestling ring and fight, but nope, they were true to the name and if I remember correctly, they only had backstage areas, hence the name Backstage Assault. 


I do remember that game - I had borrowed it from a friend and was playing it on the N64 and the first day wasn't so bad. However, I returned by the end of the week because I got bored of it. It was a rather dull experience for me and I loved wrestling games as a kid.

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  On 3/8/2023 at 6:01 PM, killamch89 said:

I do remember that game - I had borrowed it from a friend and was playing it on the N64 and the first day wasn't so bad. However, I returned by the end of the week because I got bored of it. It was a rather dull experience for me and I loved wrestling games as a kid.


Yeah it was a game I was hyped for too, but when I played the first 20 minutes or so I wasn't sold. It didn't help that the copy I got kept freezing up, but once I got a replacement copy it worked fine. I played it for as long as I could, which was longer than I expected. But it didn't give me much to play for. I don't think it had a story mode, or championship mode. But it's been so long since I played, I may be wrong on that. 

Backstage Assault was the worst of them though, because it was pretty much the same exact game with its controls, graphics, etc, but just being backstage. 

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