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What makes you prefer gaming to watching TV?

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Many people will often question that gaming is pointless and it's a waste of time but these same people that say that will usually be the ones that will sit and watch TV shows or even movies on the daily. This got me thinking, I myself would rather sit and play video games than watch TV and there are very few TV shows or movies that I will watch because I much prefer gaming over watching TV. I feel when gaming you are always doing something, using your brain, working things out and that for me is a better option than just sitting in front of a TV like a potato just watching shows and movies.

What makes you prefer gaming over say watching TV? 

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I wouldn't say I prefer gaming to watching tv. I'd say they both are interests of mine. I'm big into movies and tv, so it's a big thing in my life. And gaming will always be a part of my life. I love doing both. If I had to choose my favorite, I don't know if I can. Movies and tv are something I like a lot too, and I don't know if I'd want to lose out on that either. 

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Gaming has definitely taken over more than my tv watching. It seems like I'm usually not in the mood to watch tv because there are too many distractions where I end up half watching while doing something else. Gaming keeps me occupied, keeps my mind entertained, and it gives me control on what I want to do, where to explore, make decisions, earn new gear or abilities, and the immersion of fantasy that tv nowadays just doesn't cut it as much of what I get from games. 

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Tv shows and movies, video games and Novels are the same really they are a medium to acsess a whole different worlds and characters, and like many things, they all have their own weakness and strength.

Relatively speaking, we are at a transition phase anyway, so resistence is to be expected.

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19 hours ago, Reality vs Adventure said:

Gaming has definitely taken over more than my tv watching. It seems like I'm usually not in the mood to watch tv because there are too many distractions where I end up half watching while doing something else. Gaming keeps me occupied, keeps my mind entertained, and it gives me control on what I want to do, where to explore, make decisions, earn new gear or abilities, and the immersion of fantasy that tv nowadays just doesn't cut it as much of what I get from games. 

I feel this! I am the same, if I am doing something else whilst trying to watch TV I always end up missing things and losing interest in what I am watching. With a video game you are doing things within the game and controlling the game and that keeps you interested and less distracted. I always see TV as a sit and just watch but with games you are involved in so many ways that keep you interested and your mind going. 

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I just find most TV shows to be rather uninteresting or straight up bad. That aside though, I prefer gaming because it's an active activity, whereas watching TV is very passive as it requires nothing on my part except staring at the screen doing nothing else.

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Video games are actually entertaining to me over movies, TV, etc. I still watch TV and movies, but not near as often anymore. As Moonface said I also feel like I am doing more than just staring at a TV screen and nothing more.

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To be perfectly honest, TV is a lot more boring nowadays because most of the shows on their absolute garbage outside of reruns of older shows. On cable right now, name one modern TV show that you love watching? You can't because the shows absolutely suck.

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