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Has anyone here played WWE Allstars?

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WWE Allstars was a game that was somewhat different to the normal WWE games that are usually released with more of a cartoon look for the wrestling stars and moves as well it was quite a fun game to play and made a change to the usual game play we get in WWE 2K games and even games before that such as Raw vs Smackdown. I remember my kids getting WWE Allstars for Christmas and they absolutely loved it because it was different to what they normally played so it was like a whole new wrestling game for them.

Did you ever play WWE Allstars? What were your thoughts on it?

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I actually haven't. Back when it originally released, the graphics and gameplay style wasn't of interest to me. But I've been kinda on the lookout for the game for a while now. If I see it cheap, I'll pick it up, because I hear it's actually a good fighting game, and is highly underrated. 

I still preferred stuff like WWE Smackdown Vs Raw or Here Comes the Pain, but I think it's good to change up the style of gameplay to something more arcadey. 

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5 hours ago, Empire said:

I played the demo but never got around to buying the full game, I think THQ planned a sequel but it never happened.

I heard that myself too and my kids were pretty excited that there may have been another game but then nothing ever came of it and still we've heard nothing. It would be awesome to see a sequel to WWE Allstars as even though it was an under rated game it was still a really good game and one that was really fun to play. 

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Remember when they tried to make a similar looking game called WWE 2K Battlegrounds? I was interested in getting it when it was first announced, but after reviews came out showing how bad it was, I decided not to pick it up. 

The fact that the wrestles pretty much have the same moves, didn't help either. 

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3 hours ago, Kane99 said:

Remember when they tried to make a similar looking game called WWE 2K Battlegrounds? I was interested in getting it when it was first announced, but after reviews came out showing how bad it was, I decided not to pick it up. 

The fact that the wrestles pretty much have the same moves, didn't help either. 

Yes, my kids got this not long after it was released as they showed a strong interest in it and they were having to isolate due to having COVID symptoms around the time that they were eager to get the game and I remember getting it for them so they had something to do whilst they were off school and stuck inside. They played it so much in the beginning but it soon died off and even though they still jump back on it from time to time, they definitely didn't play it as much as they did WWE Allstars when that was released.

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