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The Blackangel

10 Good Games That Flopped in Sales

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Gravity Rush 2 and Sunset Overdrive are both phenomenal games that deserved way more success than they got. Gravity Rush 2 in particular is one of my favourite games on PS4. I've always been interested in Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, but never got round to buying. Maybe I need to change that...

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It's funny they mentioned Earthbound, the reason why it didn't sell well to begin with was the price! It was a whopping $70, with inflation that's around $144 these days! It's a great game of course, but that's why it's hard to find a copy at a good price. Though typically most RPGs from that era that are great and barely got a release typically go for a lot of money. I haven't played any of the other games listed, I've always wanted to give the Mario and Rabbids games a go though.

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