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The Blackangel

“Woke” is bullshit

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I started to post this on the thread asking if games are too “woke” then realized that it added nothing to further the conversation so I’m starting this here.

I am so sick of all this “woke” bullshit. The word “woke” is nothing but the current popular buzz word, that not a single goddamn republiKKKLanazi can even fucking define. What fount of stupidity is next? Will we be curtain? Tin can? Feline menstruation? Where will it end? Well I got news for you:

It WON’T end. If we don’t do something RIGHT GODDAMN NOW then we’re doing nothing more than bowing down, while simultaneously welcoming the ass raping that we get. And we’ll deserve it for giving in. Attempting to vote them out would be the best way if they weren’t already picking up weapons and literally calling for secession and another civil war.

”Woke” isn’t even a meaningful word. All it means is that you’re not sleeping. That’s what “woke” is. Or, was. American English has no connection of any kind to English English. The English we spoke 250+ years ago is no longer present in American. The right wing has been redefining every damn word they can to the point if someone from the UK was to come here for a vacation, there would be a language barrier that would be worse than Akkadian trying to understand Mandarin Chinese. A dead tongue that literally no one, including historians and linguists, can speak. And all because they have to do what they can/want to rewrite both facts and history to fit their completely fucked up agenda. Because there are only two things that ever have, or ever will matter to them:

Power and money.

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You might want to change the thread title.I'm from the left like you but the thread title triggered me like  a thread titled 'abortion should be illegal'.It's your business  if you are against being woke but you  criticized the gop for using the word so it's sorta weird. I recently learned what being woke is. A  black blues musician would say it to his fellow African Americans to be aware of potential violence or other things that may apply to being black in the south in the early 1900's.

     So of course the gop is against woke. It was used as survival  and empowerment for black folks.

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16 hours ago, Lamarr the strelok said:

You might want to change the thread title.I'm from the left like you but the thread title triggered me like  a thread titled 'abortion should be illegal'.


Nothing in the thread title nor in the content of the original post violates the rules with the possible exception of the word "Bullshit" as it's a profane term, but that's not the nature of your complaint, so is not relevant. The thread title is within context and makes sense paired with the opening post. Sorry if the title upsets you, but I'm not going to recommend @The Blackangel change the title because "you got triggered" as you put it. 

Edited by Shagger
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I apologize for using the word triggered. Confused is the correct word. ' I am so sick of all this woke bullshit' is in the text but it's not really pointed out that she seems sick of  the way republicans  use the word.And  I apologize again  for trivializing the word triggered.It's simply a confusing title to me.I'm not the shiniest rock in the box so maybe it's me being dumb.

    'Woke is bullshit' is a sentence a trumper would say. Along with being accused of being a SJW, being cancelled, or yes, being triggered.No problem I still love Black angel!🙂

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Woke is basically coined to represent being aware of inequality. That's where it originated. Republicans have taken that term and coined it to represent everything they hate, no matter what it is. The anti woke scare of the 2020's is the same thing as the Red Scare of the 1950's where they accused everyone of being communists. They even went so far as to imprison teachers back then and that is what they are wanting to do now. Teachers can now go to jail for having a book that they banned. They proposed a bill to jail librarians in public libraries. Calling everything woke is all just a ploy to justify them taking rights away. No doubt republicans believe our civil rights in the constitution is woke. Republicans in congress eliminated the civil rights committee. You can easily see the parallels of republicans today and nazi Germany. They must have a guidebook or something because they are following step by step. Even now republicans are now attacking our military. That is one of the steps needed for a dictatorship, to gain control of the military, politicize it, divide it. Republicans are calling the military woke, threatening the life of our top general now and calling him woke. Tuberville is blocking over 300 military nominations of officers all the while calling the military woke. They call history woke and so they ban discussion of it. They call  colleges woke and they call diversity woke, so now they are banning diversity and inclusivity in colleges. They call businesses woke and so they ban diversity and inclusivity in businesses. Even affirmative action has been banned. They ban whatever book they can, calling it woke. They are banning tens of thousands of digital books in public libraries so even adults can't read them. They call LGBTQ as woke and ban everything everywhere they can to suppress that community. They go after movies and songs and shows and food and calls it all woke if there is any diversity, inclusivity. They call protecting the environment is woke. They call the damage done by natural disasters is woke, saying the forest floor should be swept to prevent fires in California. The fires in Hawaii were woke. Even now the religious fanatics are calling scriptures from Jesus in the bible is woke. I mean, if you think about it, Jesus was woke. The true definition of woke where he wanted equality and non violence and to help others. Republicans attack every minority group and calls them woke like blacks and brown, Jews, women, LGBTQ. These republicans are genocidal and would probably place woke labels on people's arms and send them off to their camps like how Hitler placed color coded bands on the people they sent off to camps. Republicans call fighting a pandemic is woke. Vaccines are woke, wearing a face mask is woke, health research and doctors are woke. They call our government agencies woke. Prosecutors are woke, judges are woke, laws are woke. Juneteenth holiday is woke, the holiday where blacks finally gained freedom. 

That is the republican culture war, attacking everything and calling everything different from their shallow mentality is woke.  It is meant to demonize everyone and take their rights away. To force control over elections, education, businesses, justice system, entertainment, and military. Republicans attack everything now because they want a dictatorship. They want to oppress Americans and abuse them. Even genocide them. That is what all this is. The GOP is the New Nazi Party. 

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